@Washington Capitals

Profound Russia-US Misunderstanding | Dmitry Orlov

Dmitry Orlov was born in Leningrad, USSR, into an academic family, and emigrated to the US in the mid-1970s. He holds degrees in Computer Engineering and Linguistics, and has worked in a variety of fields, including high-energy physics, Internet commerce, network security and advertising. He is the author of several previous books, including Reinventing Collapse and The Five Stages of Collapse.

Dmitry’s books:


  1. Most of the core NATO states are the heirs of the countries with historically strong nazi/fascist/Messianic tendencies. Those ideological frameworks are inherently prone to use external threats as an excuse for their endemic economic problems. To camouflage those problems with distractions like wars and conflicts is just a logical next step and the Lebensraum concept is not dead yet…

  2. I don't know where he pulls from the affirmation that Moscow is the first tourist destination, it is not even in the top 20, if you look at data.

  3. Really appreciate you having Dmitry on so regularly. An intellectual with expert command of English but presenting the Russian perspective. The few interviews I have seen with him on your show has left me with an impression of an intellectual but also a patriot. Keep bringing him back please. Thanks.

  4. Please interview Matthew Raphael Johnson. He is probably one of the most authoritative intellectuals in recent history from America on Russia.

  5. The muslims in Russia are not NEARLY a quarter of the population. The largest muslim ethnic group – tatars, most of which are muslims just by name and not practicing – is 3.17% of Russia's population. After the unification with crimea and donbass it's probably even less, since the deoccupied territories are inhabited by mostly ethnic russians, who are not muslims.

    So I'd give muslims maybe 5% max of the population of Russia. Half of them are muslims only because they were born in so-called muslim ethnicities but they are actually either agnostics or atheists.

  6. You have some of the most interesting guests on your podcast but the sound is so weak that I can barely hear you or your guests. Could you please increase the sound drastically?

  7. I am truly confused…Russians betrayed Russia by being brainwashed by the Americans, by stealing Russian assets. Millions of poor Russians died of alcohol, suicides, etc. Putin is seen by Orlov as the Savior, taking back control of Russian energy sources, getting rid of Oligarchs and putting others under a tighter leash. It is interesting for me but leaves me confused…why are Russian Oligarchs enriching themselves and killing off their own country? Are these Oligarchs all thieves with nothing but the greed for wealth? Is this also happening in China? What about the Middle-East with the Arabs controlling their Oil and Gas assets but splurging in the West on luxury goods, living a life that is in violation of Islamic teachings? It is all so confusing… democracy, sovereign rights, claims that I am the Holy One..all others are frauds, etc. Perhaps it is good to be confused..

  8. Gog Magog Demon Beast corrupt hedge4 babelon halet America Rome Europe collective West Malhama WW3

  9. Thank you for shedding a somewhat truthful picture about Russia. I am very surprised how our 2-party system so out of touch is as far as Russia and Ukraine are.

  10. Lol, who could’ve known, that when McDonalds left Russia, the Russians would’ve been able to develop their own hamburger technology? Our HIC(hamburger industrial complex) has never had to deal with such a great threat.

  11. On day one of the Russian invastion, I tediously reviewed the transcription of everything Putin(whom I've always hated) said. His focus was to take out the bio-weapons labs, and the Russian czar also has no use for the pedos colonies. This I know. It was Obama and his Secretary of State who were first in on the money laundering in corrupt to the core Ukraine. The year was 2016. As a life long journalist I can assure you accurate reports on the war are hard to find because nearly everyone is politicized to the core. And one sure as hell is not going to find accurate accounts of Ukraine on toilets like CNN, MSNBC, and the other liberally manipulated alphabet stations claiming to be legit sources for news.

  12. Blame anyone you want for the colonial abusers thrown out of Russia in the 90;s. Putin assessed the situation and repelled the intruders and shut down the West's invasion and attempt to rape RUSSIA.
    He did exactly what any Patriot of any country would have, had their country faced this. For that PUTIN is hated by those he defeated. For that I hope he is loved by the Russian people and the rest of the world. Bravo ! ! !

  13. Say 'Hi' ti Dimitri for me. We used to be connected by the depletion argument. Love the lad. He is so delightfully mordant. A very bitey fella. Always nice to have him on your side.

  14. Say 'Hi' ti Dimitri for me. We used to be connected by the depletion argument. Love the lad. He is so delightfully mordant. A very bitey fella. Always nice to have him on your side.

  15. Cel. Wilkerson is a well respected history Professor. He also talked about the historic conflict with Russia since the time of the empire. I also know that even during the Soviet times there was competition between design groups. Col. Wilkerson may have been mistaken but he's a man of good intentions.

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