@Tampa Bay Lightning

Preseason GDT: Tampa Bay Lightning at Nashville Predators (9/27/23)

Alright folks Lightning hockey is back which means GDTs are coming back as well. As a reminder, these are the subs rules that are going to be enforced as usual: There will be no bumpin’, no cheatin’, no spittin’, no bittin’, no road rage, no maimin’, no oil slickin’, no pushin’, no shovin’, no backstabbin’, no road-hoggin’ and no lollygaggin’.
Ok but here are the actual rules:
1. No trolling
2. Racist, homophobic, or any other socially unacceptable comments or insults will not be tolerated
3. No upvote parties
4. No reaction/low content posts
Arena: Bridgestone Arena
Time: 8:00 PM
TV: [](

by MonarchChonarch


  1. HannTwistzz

    is anyone a bit confused as to why we are playing a couple players of our main roster at a time and just not together for 1 game

  2. Perhaps the broadcast teams should make sure everything works before the games. EVERY preseason broadcast I can remember has had something wrong with either video or sound.

  3. somethingambiguous37

    My stream doesn’t seem to have audio. Anyone else having the same issue?

  4. Alright at least we’re all missing sound, I was about to snap my computer in half

  5. SwagFondue

    I’m excited for Eyssimont this season, really feel like he’s going to have a breakout year.

    Also, no audio in the stream, but if you want to hear Mishkin’s calls (which are slightly ahead) here’s the link: [](

    edit: nvm audio back finally

  6. Ggriffinz

    Seriously if they are not going to stream it on ESPN+ at least they could figure out the audio properly for their stream.

  7. The sound was going up and down and now there is none, alas.

    The video is nice though

  8. HannTwistzz

    just interested is any of the top guys gonna be playing preseason. Cause others teams have been there top guys

  9. SwagFondue

    Eyssimont/Glendenning/Motte look great so far, so excited to have a speedy 4th line again.

  10. Ronorsomething

    For our 4th line + a bunch of prospects vs basically the whole Nashville roster, we have looked pretty damn good

  11. Penisfart-69

    This is the preds A team basically, correct? Josi and saros both on, weird.

  12. Rogue_LeI3eau

    That fight was certainly a thing that happened…

  13. HannTwistzz

    who’s behind the bench for us assuming its not cooper

  14. dreaminphp

    Is it me or is this feed way more zoomed out than usual? My blind ass can’t see anything 😅

  15. Who the fuck shows replays during the game? It’s not soccer lmao, you’ll have your pause

  16. HockeyandHentai

    Can their play by play guy not say zero? Nothing to nothing sounds so odd.

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