@Dallas Stars

Kero hit on Hunt – Have your say!

Tanner Kero went straight through the head of Daemon Hunt as he went behind he net. Was it an accidental collision or a head shot? Have your say!


  1. Oh yeah, suspension. Given that Kero had few options in terms of a path behind the net, I still see that elbow coming up at the last minute. It may have been a reflexive "self defense" kind of thing, but unlike the NHL, I'm not so much concerned about intent as I am result. Now let's spin the George Soros wheel of discipline and see what comes up.

  2. As a stars fan, I have no skin in the game bc I hate both teams equally. lol Tanner Kero was with Dallas these last few years and he’s no Trouba. Seen him play quite a bit and outside of very basic level forechecking, he barely hits. That’s not his game. This was incidental.

  3. That was a terrible hit. Definitely needs some suspension time. And I’m a huge Avalanche supporter and mad fan. There’s no room in hockey for that kind of crap.

  4. It’s a headshot. My gut on this one says 5 and game but a fine from the league rather than a suspension cuz he didn’t lay into him but he certainly didn’t go out of his way to avoid hitting him principal point of contact in the head. And obviously if he has history it’s different (i dont think he does). I wouldn’t suspend him unless that happened in the last minute of the game. I don’t know when it happened because the refs somehow missed it which maybe they could suspend him since he wasn’t penalized on the play.

  5. Not a hit. They just collided. If anyone should get a suspension it should be Hunt, he is the one who hit Kero

  6. Kero saw the collision upcoming and he was the only one who could have prepared for the collision and yet HE hit Hunt in the head with his elbow. Probably suspension worthy. Pretty dirty.

  7. Doesn’t look like Kero leaned into him, he tucked his elbow & it didn’t come out after the hit like he was intentionally hitting him. I’d say it’s an unfortunate collision

  8. I think its accidental. You can see him tuck his arm into his side. Doesn't extend or push to make a hit. Just skated through. Obviously you have to penalize him but yea not a dirty intentional hit. Also the kinetic energy that's transferred from Hunt to Kero sent his elbow in an upward trajectory so its not like he lifted his elbow to hit him either. He was also skating into the net instead of skating clearly around the net. He gave Hunt room to avoid the contact. Hunt just got caught puck watching.

  9. This doesn't even look remotely close to being purposeful. Dude came around the net with his head down. Incidental contact at best

  10. One angle looks like he leans a bit towards him and the other away. I’m gonna say incidental. Hate to see it and I hope hunt has a quick recovery.

  11. Really simple. Intentional or not, penalty! Like in rugby – no tackle above shoulders.

  12. he tried to avoid without taking himself out of the play. i see no issue but they probably would still call interference.

  13. Gotta call that whether it was intentional or not. That's a really nasty hit to the head and shouldn't be tolerated even if it's accidental.

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