@Pittsburgh Penguins

Ty Smith and others on waivers

Ty Smith and others on waivers

by penguins2946


  1. ApplaudingOkra

    It feels sooooo much easier to live with all of Hextall’s dumbass moves now that he’s gone.

  2. Ecruteak-vagrant

    Hahaha, Hextall traded a top four defender for a dude that can’t beat out POJ or Ruwhedel. Not only that he reinvested that cap space on, checks notes, Jan Rutta. Cool stuff.

  3. It’s okay… Ron Hextall is gone… he can’t hurt us anymore

  4. penguins2946

    I actually don’t think Smith was bad last year at all, he was solid in the AHL and was really good in the NHL when he played.

    The problem is that he has been downright horrible at camp and Dubas has no sort of connection that Hextall had with him. Dubas just came into a new team and saw this waiver eligible defenseman playing like crap, I don’t think it’s overly surprising that Dubas thinks nothing of him.

    I’m a bit surprised they didn’t just keep him as a #7D, but the thing I’m more surprised about is that they didn’t try to sneak Smith through waivers closer to the start of the season. The Penguins lost Zohorna on waivers last year because they waived him so early, this feels like a situation where they’re going to lose Smith where they could have snuck him through waivers if they waived him a week later.

  5. HyBeHoYaiba

    Desperation is a hell of a drug. I’ll take a PTO guy playing for his life over a former first round pick that’s only there to make us feel better about trading a good player for him

  6. enditallalready2

    Pens players are:
    Taylor Fedun
    Jonathan Gruden
    Xavier Ouellet
    Rem Pitlick
    Ty Smith

    Isn’t Fedun the captain of WBS?
    So much for Pitlick too lol

  7. XGuiltyofBeingMikeX

    Ty Smith is like watching Letang back when he was a kid…just not as crazy talented.

    Smith *is* very skilled, but he relies on it too much and gets himself in really dumb situations…but he’s only 23 and coming off a bad broken jaw.

    Assuming he gets through, he needs a full year of AHL hockey. Guy can run a power play no problem, but boy oh boy does he make silly turnovers when he stick handles too much.

  8. RoutineSubstance4816

    Hextall was legit so dumb. Just about all of his trades were detrimental. Matheson for Petry, clearing cap space to trade for Granlund, and trading Marino (who is turning out to be a stud) for Ty Smith (who can’t even crack an NHL lineup). Only Hextall trade I can’t bash is Rakell, basically everything else he did was stupid.

  9. Couldn’t at least get a pick for Smith? What the fuck?

  10. It to bad Ty Smith has talent he will probably end up and stud somewhere else.

  11. If the Pens cant reclaim a former 1st rounder, no one can. He’ll clear

  12. awaythrow292

    sheesh, 23 yo 1st rounder coming off a broken jaw who has already played NHL games. you’d think we’d hold on to him. heck, shelter him on pairing 3 with POJ. Chad W. is fine and all but you hold on to high picks. 23 is NOT old at all, esp. for a defenseman.

    This one is a real head scratcher. why not wait another week to put him on waivers, or just put him in the AHL this year again? what am I missing?

  13. awaythrow292

    i for one am super excited to see one of Chad W and Mark F all season long…..




  14. Euphoric__Dot

    NJ I can see claiming Smith back, the ultimate insult to injury

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