@Boston Bruins

Ben Harpur vs A J Greer Sep 24, 2023

Ben Harpur vs A.J. Greer from the New York Rangers at Boston Bruins game on Sep 24, 2023. via


  1. Rookie linesman should have stepped in when jersey was over Greers head. I’m all for a good scrap but Greer was a bit overmatched and they should have sensed it.

  2. Harpur played terrible that game, especially when he was paired with Jones. This is the only reason he could make the team.

  3. Oooo, he got fk'd up. If you're going to lose the game at least punch somebody in the face. Rangers! 😄

  4. Greer at the end of his shift, did Harpur's last punch even land?….. cause the other's didn't.

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