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  1. You know why Slaf may have the hesitation just before shooting? You heard it from Stlouis last season – he is literally killing Slaf with his comments, like "but when you shoot more, are you always making the best play?" – this is where the hesitation comes from, because he as a player has no authority or freedom to think what to do in the moment and his mind most likely skips onto "what would Stlouis want me to do now", that is not right and it literally kills a creative mind, which Juraj has and he proved it over and over in the past (when he was not playing for Stlouis), and the same goes to his positioning – Stlouis claims his positioning on the ice is not always right, but many times it is (and this was clearly visible even last season), yet many times despite being in a really good position his teammates would not choose to pass the puck to him (you never know why, might be many reasons, but one of them might be that the players he ended up playing with were not so talented when it comes to playmaking, or some might have been fed up with Slaf being one of the most talked about). So there is plenty of good stuff from Slaf, to me he looks like he doesnt have enough of creative freedom to do what he does best.

  2. Loved watching the game, team was fast and competitive, hoping to see slaf play with Suzy and Caufy during the preseason, would be a good confidence boost for him and maybe he can take that and show St. Louis he's ready to play big minutes this year

  3. Hello, j’ai deux trois infos sur la ligue Suisse qui pourrait t’intéresser…
    Kloten connaît sans surprise un début de saison difficile. Le défenseur numéro un des Flyers de Kloten (Ekestall-Johnnson) qui avait le PP1 et le plus grand temps de jeu de l’équipe est vraiment en train de manquer son début de saison. Si Reinbacher revient en Suisse, il aura éventuellement (je dis bien éventuellement) une chance de jouer en tant que défenseur numéro 1 avec du temps de jeu sur le PP1 (ce qui n’était pas le cas l’an passé).
    Mais bref, tout ça c’est dans le cas où il revient en Suisse d’ici deux semaines…

  4. En +, Vizenz Rohrer a réussi à se créer une place dans l’alignement des ZSC Lions au côté de Derek Grant ! C’est vraiment pas facile pour un jeune de se créer une place de la sorte dans une équipe Suisse. Il profite notamment de la blessure de Sven Andrighetto… La question est de savoir si il pourra conservé son temps de jeu aux côtés de la 3eme ligne? (Possible).Va t’il rester sur le PP2 au retour d’Andrighetto? (Peu probable.) Mais bref j’ai été impressionné par sa forme! A 19 ans, il joue (presque) comme un joueur établis. Il m’a bluffé a chaques fois que j’ai vu Zürich jouer. Je crois qu’il compte deux goals en 5 matchs.
    Bref voilà pour l’actualité en rapport avec le Canadien de Montréal dans la ligue Suisse 😉

  5. Slaf needs quicker shot hes been blocked a lot no space to get a good shot if he can free himself from the defender he will be dangerous this year

  6. It's refreshing to see some positive feedback about Slafkovsky. He looked better each shift he played last night. Did a much better job forechecking, was a beast along the boards, and was able to create some offense. Not to mention this was his first game since January. I think he'll look significantly better by the end of preseason.

  7. Personally I don't see a fit for Slafkovsky on the Habs. I'd prefer packaging him with another prospect or pick and go after Zegras

  8. Reinbacher looked really good. I like the way he plays and his hockey IQ.

  9. Owen beck was the best faceoff player last night. Don't focus on his goals or points he needs to get nhl experience as the pk guy.

  10. I’ve seen slafkovsky play since he was 16 and I can tell he has very low confidence, is more scared to shoot and just passes.. but I believe his confidence will rise

  11. I agree with you man Slaf his a lot better If he learns right time to pass and shoot he will be great. He had long puck possession just didn't do the right things with it. Hophelly he learns to improve decision and timing..Mailloux is like Subban 2.02 , he will be great. Roy is a sniper reminds me of Camilleri, not my favorite but he will be good hophelly . Farell made amazing plays , Beck was like a defensive forward…not my favorite so far. oh and Reinbacher was so calm and i was impressed . Biggest shock was goalie Dobes, i think this guy will be habs no1 goalie one day ..

  12. No, Slaf is still bad. I hope you watched how Logan Cooley played. You should make comment on Logan Cooley and say something about Habs scouts why they should be fired, all of them.

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