@Chicago Blackhawks

Jack Johnson vs Jack London

boxer vs writer


  1. @DeportAnchorBabies is clueless when it comes to simple facts.

    Jack Johnson was knocked out by Joe Choynski.
    Joe Choynski DEMOLISHED Jack Johnson.

    Jack Johnson was knocked out by Jess Willard.
    Jess Willard DEMOLISHED Jack Johnson.

    Clueless @DeportAnchorBabies can't face the facts.

  2. You do realize that–for all the attempt to make Jack London sound like a racist in the video–there is not a shred of evidence in it, don't you? There is implication, innuendo, and nothing else.

  3. Watch some more videos and you'll eventually see what he wrote. But never mind that Jack Johnson is the most important black boxer ever!

  4. Times have surely changed for the better thank goodness. A GOOD SPORTSMAN IS RESPECTED FOR HIS SKILLS, Just not in FRANCE where Serena Williams 2006 was jeered as a animal ( In a racist tone) for her professional game of Tennis. Hence way they never won the right to hold the Olympics 2012.

  5. @TheAmazingMorse There may not have been any evidence of London's racism in this video, but I've read his stuff elsewhere, and he was virulently racist; even for the times. Frankly it was disappointing to learn that, as I loved his writing since I was a kid.

  6. @buckfan1969 I can only speculate, of course, but our culture a century ago was unabashedly racist; he probably wasn't much more racist than the average joe of the time. Wasn't aware of the woman lending him money, but blacks at the time were so accustomed to blatant racism he probably didn't seem any worse than anyone else. It's a commentary on how far we've come in the last 100 years, and a hopeful sign of how far we might come in the next 100.

  7. @krisnadarajah just so you know Jack London would never be so blatantly racist


  9. youtube leftwinger @sarsfield65 LIKES comments by clueless David Remnick, who never had a fight with his own sister and has ZERO background when it comes to boxing.

    Boxing has NOTTHING to do with political agendas–like those pushed by halfwits Remnick and sarsfield.

  10. Low grade imbecile @sarsfield65 can't reply to the fact that he and his hero David Remnick never had a fight with thier own sisters and have ZERO background in boxing.

  11. @krisnadarajah Johnson was unreal! Imagine a black man openly marrying white women in the 1900's! He was way more radical than Ali, who at least had the Nation Of Islam to stand with him. Johnson stood alone. I don't get into who would have won fights in different eras, I just say Ali was great, so was Johnson, both in their own times.

  12. @marcxopoco What's your point? That doesn't change the fact that London was a racist who vilified Johnson for the same tactics as a boxer that he praised in white fighters.

  13. Jack Johnson was knocked out by Joe Choynski and Jess Willard. He lost to Marvin Hart.

    He HID from Sam Langford.

  14. I think it's a good thing to have Jewish intellectuals constantly remind us about racism and social inequality and, err…racism, and racism, because otherwise we might focus on Plato, Socrates, Rembrandt, Beethoven, Shakespeare, the Renaissance, the enlightenment, maned flight and the moon landings, and all of that other stuff that is negated by racism, a racism that only white people have! Everyone knows that there is no such thing as a racial characteristic. Except white people who are racist

  15. Jack London: "In the meantime the nations and races are only unruly boys who have not yet grown to the stature of men. So we must expect them to do unruly and boisterous things at times. And, just as boys grow up, so the races of mankind will grow up and laugh when they look back upon their childish quarrels."

  16. Hmm! How do we gain an object view of a gentile, anglospheric, literary genius….easy! Let's as a Jewish, liberal Obama worshiping, member of the East Coast liberal aristocracy…hello Mr Remnick, let's hear your entirely disinterested opinion; just another dose of liberal bullshit, move along Remnick, your time has just about slipped away.

  17. It passes over geographical lines, transcends race prejudice, and has even proved itself mightier than the Fourth of July, spread-eagle Americanism of our forefathers. 

    London, Jack (2011-03-24). Revolution, and Other Essays (Kindle Locations 30-31).  . Kindle Edition. 

  18. Johnson got to nail white women (Mata Hari among them) and the white dudes seethed with rage.

  19. WOW didn't know Jack London was racist I wont look at him the same I always thought he was a great man not any more what an asshole .

  20. It is important to judge people in the context the morality of their times. By today's morality nearly everyone in Jack Johnson's era would be considered racist. Even the most liberal white benefactors of blacks during those times would have found interracial marriage, for example, unacceptable. This is not to say that we shouldn't learn from history or "sugarcoat" it, but we should evaluate and criticize it proportionally.

  21. after the fight and Johnson won, Jack London wrote of it and praised Jack Johnson. this is bull shit.

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