@New Jersey Devils

The new Ripper dog from the Rock

For anyone interested, $16 and it’s only served in section 126. It’s got a nice bite and it’s delicious if you can look past the price.

by kyrill91


  1. Gr3asy_L33f

    Looks actually decent but that price is absolutely absurd

  2. nostradamefrus

    That looks like a solid dog but 16 bucks and it doesn’t even come with fries? That’s a hard sell

  3. septimus29

    $16 is stupid. But please lmk if it’s good

    I’m happy for better food options. But the prices just tell me to hit up American Whiskey before the game and Wendy’s after

  4. njdevils0011

    That price though. We will eat before we arrive.

  5. itsthelew

    ill just go to costco on the way. holy shit

  6. Sauronsindexfinger

    16 dollars for a piece of mystery meat jerky?? Lmao

  7. Jack-The-Bong-Ripper

    My grandfather always told me hot dogs were made out of pig lips and snake elbows, and he would look at me with utter contempt if I paid 16 dollars for one.

  8. Kornja81

    $16? Damn lmao. I know sporting events are pricey, but that price is a homemade meal for a family of 3-4.

  9. chaos0xomega

    For that price, I’ll starve.

    You can feed a family of 4 at rusts hut on the way home for the same price.

  10. hermanjangles

    I want to watch the game from a chair not a toilet.

  11. sanbaba

    i mean this is what you want, expensive if it must be but memorable in a good way

  12. falaris

    I’m sure it is delicious but not $16 delicious. I’d roll my eyes at something between $11 to $13 but likely pay it since I know I’m going to be gouged at an event, but $16 is a large sub or a straight up meal from basically anywhere on the way before I arrive at the arena.

  13. Heavy_Introduction36

    Fuck outta here for 16 bucks …Does look good but Hard Pass

  14. therealdieseld

    Does it beat the Rutts Hutt ripper tho

  15. Legitimate_Face_2035

    Man I want to like this but $16?? Makes me glad my local team is AHL and on Fridays beer is $3.

  16. Redditfront2back

    What the fuck is on it? Kraut and mustard or all the way all the only real options

  17. bluepress

    16 dollars for assholes and lips in a bun, hard pass.

  18. Piperactive_NJ

    Looks great, but I cannot in good conscience pay $16 for a hot dog, just like I will never pay $12 for a macrobrew light beer. If it was the best hot dog in the world you could probably convince me for $10.

  19. Iamstryker

    Food and drink at games has gotten to the, “I’ll just stop on the way home,” pricing.

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