@Florida Panthers

The Rock EXPOSES Colin Kaepernick as a FRAUD! Details about XFL opportunity REVEALED!

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  1. I hate Kaepernicks conman guts! He brought identity politics into the nfl, the only place where it’s a merit based system where race doesn’t matter! I’m sick of race hustlers🐭

  2. Colin Kaepernick is so pathetic. He sued the NFL and called it slavery and all the fans supporters of slavery and now he wants a job in the NFL? You cannot make this stuff up. I heard McDonalds and Starbucks are hiring.

  3. He didn't just get an offer from the ravens Broncos and seahawks were both also interested he dropped the ball

  4. …sign me up for slavery….😅😂 that was so funny, I almost fell out of my chair laughing so hard.

  5. Colin must be tiring of counting his Nike $millions made off the backs of Asian women working in sweatshops.

  6. Honestly… it is on purpose by his pr team to create buzz or keep CK in the news. The woke team of CK just needs to make sure people keep talking about CK so he gets contracts from woke companies. Just stop taking about CK and he will go away.

  7. So now Colin keperneck wants to be a slave again. Unbelievable stupidity. If keperneck returns hundred s of thousands of fan s will leave for ever it will definitely bring very serious consequences. Enough is enough.

  8. People just mad at him because he wouldn't shut up and just say yessum boss yassum massa what ever you say kind sir 🖕the NFL

  9. The only thing he wants to play is the victim. Cry me a river. Anybody that would sue the people that raised him and gave him a home and love is a true P.O.S.

  10. Is Kaepernick litigation toxic since he sued the NFL? Is any league willingly to sign him without a prenuptial agreement?

  11. He's not really serious about playing. He knows he can't play at that level anymore. He's only doing this because he wants to stay relevant with the public. It's safe making noise with the NFL, because no team in their right mind would give him a chance, but he will stay away from the XFL so he doesn't get exposed!

  12. the rock isn't any better asking people to send money to help hawaii when he's got millions and we are all struggling because of th democrats

  13. He's 35. And even if he was worth a shit, his career would be coming to an end. That's not racism, that's reality, something the woke race hustlers won't acknowledge.

  14. I think he doesn't like being a American he should move to Canada and play in the CFL but like you said he knows he will be exposed for not being that good

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