@Boston Bruins

Boston Bruins Preseason game 4: A roster is forming


SHORT SHIFT PODCAST: (Available wherever you listen to your pods)


  1. I like it! Don't be starting off all hot. We'll figure it out by Christmas. Keep making them fight for it.
    Everybody wanted to "rebuild" -here ya go!

    We haven't seen this many prospects & PTOs at camp in many moons. It's more mysterious, less predictable. It's fun!
    There is no ceiling. These guys are only going up.

    And some of em might be brought up to give them trade value.

    Last season's '23 playoff team looked nothing like the '22 October team

    Goalies don't start playing til Dec.

    Take a look at Rask his last few years- showed up beginning of season, went away for personal time or injury… Then came back Thanksgiving to get warmed up for the season.

    We hold back elite athletes. I learned to do that with my kids, they didn't start competing until December. Used to piss off some coaches cuz we didn't want to burn them out

    I want a slow warm-up
    Stay the underdog as long as possible.

    our captain thrives under adversity when he's leading the team like the first four games of the playoffs.

    Don't want to win much over 50 games. Let's keep it even.

    And we'll get those losses as Jeremy finally takes on big-boy teams in their houses, goes through his learning curve. That's okay

    Get used to no goalie hugs 1 outta almost 3 games

    Go Bs!
    ๐Ÿป ๐Ÿ†

  2. I would LOVE to see Poitras get some NHL time. I'd also love to see Beecher, but I think Montgomery is going to stick with all veterans. I'm getting bad vibes from Monty. His love of Forbert last year screwed us badly. He loves the veterans. There is no reason not to give a couple of young guys a proper chance. Lysell was BAD. Hopefully he'll have a good year in Providence.

  3. Ugh I don't want Brown to be the Forbort of the forwards. My biggest pet peeve with this team under Sweeney is they always seem to have a guy or 3 signed to FA contracts well over what they are worth, yet are too established to improve. Then they seem to get all the rope, regardless of their play or those behind them. It's weird

  4. Dude you are, unquestionably, the best Bruins YouTuber out there. Ever since the subreddit went to shit this summer you've been my primary source of prospect/camp info and, man, you just keep getting better and better at this!

    Its maybe kind of dumb but I really really liked the way you slipped the like comment subscribe into this vid haha

    Great work, I'm so excited for this upcoming season and you've been a HUGE part of building that excitement – between your free agent livestream, your other capfriendly videos, the preseason coverage, all of it has kept me informed and gotten me, as I said, SO fucking excited.

  5. I'm on the Matt Poitras train baby!!!!! I really like the vision and poise he has shown far! Great video as usual Low Qual!

  6. Mitchell must have turned into prime time subban in this last game to make up for how defensively out of place he had looked in the first two games I saw him in. ๐Ÿ˜‚. Was a call out I was not expecting.

  7. Iโ€™m of the opinion Poitras should get a 9 game trial. Itโ€™s worth seeing if he can play with the big guys. Even if itโ€™s as a middle 6 centre, his passing and offence will be needed in a big way

  8. I don't get the tempered commentary all around. Poitras looks every bit impressive as 18 year old Bergeron. And newsflash, no body hits any more. Olive Oil could play in this league if she could skate. He is definitely making this team. And he should be penned in between Marchand and DeBrusk. Not saying the organization has to announce it immediately but NESN should have the hype machine going. And LQBF shouldn't be talking 3C. A line of Frederic, Poitras and Geekie? C'mon man.

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