@Anaheim Ducks

Zegras is part of a core that includes veteran captain Troy Terry…

Does TSN know something we don’t?

Sorry, not sorry for the bored pre-season post.

by Dis-Ducks-Fan-1130


  1. DonnieLives

    Hasn’t there been people here been wanting Terry to be the next captain?

  2. CommonUnicorn

    Nothing has been announced regarding a captain. Terry might emerge as the choice, but nothing has been solidified.

  3. buckyhermit

    As a Canadian Ducks fan, I’ve stopped expecting Canadian sports outlets to be accurate on minor Ducks-related facts/details a long time ago. They just don’t pay enough attention to get those small things right.

    Edit: LOL, the article says “defenseman Leo Carlsson.” I think that solidifies my point.

  4. BrobaFettActual

    Well technically he is a captain as an alternate, or at least has served as one last season, but isn’t THE captain? Haha

    Was also about to question the veteran part, but then I remembered that tenure wise Troys been with the team the fourth longest after Cam, Gibby, and Silf. Which I though was crazy for him being 26

  5. Ibleedred99

    The east coast bias and Canadian market literally doesn’t care about any west coast market teams aside from Vancouver, Calgary and Edmonton. Most of these jokers don’t even stay up for our games let alone know the players. Lindholm is blowing up in Boston meanwhile when we traded him most of there fan base had no idea who he was. I recall a few post saying Vaak > Lindholm imo I think we still got short changed on that deal because it’s Anaheim, the offers we receive are straight up Mickey Mouse no pun intended.

  6. Ducksfan182

    These guys don’t have any inside info but it is a fair assumption that Terry will be the next C

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