@Dallas Stars

Tanner Kero hit on Daemon Hunt – Tough Call Review

Tanner Kero caught Daemon Hunt square to the head going around the net. Accidental vs unavoidable: there is a difference.


  1. I think Kero should have a penalty, but my non-official brain says buddy needs to keep his head up

  2. can you post a have your say for jacob dotys illegal check to head on jan rutta from tonights kings @ sharks, much love for your content

  3. 100% clean. Hunt skates with his head down right into Kero. It's not even a check. Kero is making himself as small as possible without skating into the side of the net. There is no extension of the arms etc.

    I don't buy the "he could've stopped and taken a different route". The video is advancing 1 frame at a time, so 1/24th of a second I assume. That means he had 0.1-0.2 seconds to make that decision. ASSUMING he had even seen through the sides of the netting and/or the goalie that the puck was loose.

  4. As a side note, I think it's always good practice to have at least one real-time angle in videos like these. Not just slow-mos because it can skew the perception. Good stuff otherwise.

  5. I would not give the penalty to Kero. Clearly no intent on his part to make contact with the player and certainly he doesnt target the head in any fashion. He doesnt shoulder into the guy or lift off his skates or any other action that would increase the force. He has a right to his skating path and cant control the other players trajectory into him.

  6. This is in no way a clean hit – how can it be since only players carrying the puck are subject to body checks. The puck is at least 25 feet away and was not even close to Hunt for about 2 seconds. Kero knew he could not get behind the goal without making contact with Hunt. Hunt – his own fault – was in a dangerous position and therefore Kero should have avoided the contact in the first place – imagine this happening to McDavid or some Mc Kinnon – the opinions would be 180'

  7. Hunt is looking back over his shoulder instead of where his is going, 100% accidental collision

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