@Philadelphia Flyers

Brad Marchand Gets Away With Slash Against Joel Farabee

Uploaded by Alyssa Hope
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Alyssa Hope Twitter: @_alyssa_hope

All rights go to the NHL. I do not own the music and the footage used in this video. For entertainment purposes only.


  1. legend has it viewers are still looking for the slash 🤣🤣🤣
    seriously though you gotta be HIGH AF if you think that's a slash… 🤣🤣🤣

  2. Think I speak for all hockey fans when I say I would LOVE someone to just fucking ragdoll Marchand. Also why does Jack Edwards sound like he has been taking quaaludes

  3. you hold a guys stick like that, you get slashed… learn from it. Didn't get away with nothing, justice was served.

  4. Intent to injure… 2 handed to the back… htf does he continue to get away with that chicken shit stuff???

  5. And philly got away with a cross check and a rough on top of the HtS. But the slash was so brutal the philly guy didnt even react.

  6. Where is the accountability of the referees? Is this like the WWF where they pretend to be busy looking the other way? I hate Marchand but when you dont make calls, players take matters into their own hands.

  7. I think he gets away with it all because he's on a respected team like Bruins and hes smaller. So the ref are like, "aww, that little boy has to survive somehow, so we'll just look the other way."

  8. Farabee fell down after a light push from Marchand. Not a hit from behind. And that wasn’t slashing from Marchand. Bunch of soccer fans in these comments

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