@Montreal Canadiens

Habs BEST Pre-season Game, Leaf Killer Josh Anderson, Norlinder Impresses & More

Montreal Canadiens come back to beat Toronto Maple Leafs 5-4 in overtime in pre-season game October 2nd, 2023.

#habs #montrealcanadiens #torontomapleleafs


  1. Most say preseason doesn’t matter. I disagree. I am old enough to remember the Habs of the 70’s hated to lose even in preseason.

  2. Ever since I discovered Steve Dangle, I have wished for a Canadiens equivalent. I would never assume or expect you to be Steve Dangle, but I guess my point is thanks for the videos, and I'm excited for after game reactions and analysis!

  3. It is interesting how the Habs brass is giving a guy like Norlinder first line and PP minutes. It goes to show that management’s eye on the club is different than the average fan perception. 😊 Mick

  4. All the young defenseman pushing for a spot seems to have a positive effect on Kovacevic play, he knows he is the first one among the current 6 to sit upstairs if he doesn’t shown up.

    Good on him to complicate the GM decisions.

  5. Typical modern Habs-Leafs game. Super entertaining and happy with the result. Respectful non cele by domi. EVERYONE on this team has so much growing to do still. Heres to another season of development and one more top 5 pick!

  6. Lol ! Give r Dekes ! Nice comeback and I loved that Mattews was on the ice for most of our goals ! GHG !

  7. I honestly had given up on Norlinder with all the new prospects that came into the organization since he was drafted but he's been playing very well. I also have to say Kovacevic has been also very good these last few games. Good on them. They want a spot on the team and fighting for it. The Habs have too many defensemen now. I don't know how they will handle that.

  8. People forget that even with veterans like Gally, Anderson, Monahan and Savard. 10 of last night's players are under 23, RHP is 24 and Evans is 26. Possibly youngest team in the League.

  9. Great review. Wow, 3-1 then 4-2 … didn't think we'd do much more but holy baloney what a comeback. Woohoo, love it when we beat the Laafs. Keep them coming! GHG

  10. Excellent analysis transcribing exactly what the majority felt throughout this game, and what a game! Mailoux was an exciting player, connected to the game, reacting quickly, not taking any sh**, wow!!!
    He absolutely had more fun with Mathew’s more than his hairdresser

  11. I love the Norlinder storyline, and a good reminder to all us overly exuberant and impatient Hab fans. I remember how high media/fans were on him when he was doing well in Europe…he finally comes over and with high expectations, he has a tough time acclimatizing to the North American game…and then the media/fans pretty much write him off…but here he is with some pro experience under his belt and showing why Mtl drafted him. I hope he continues his progression and makes the team. He is no Markov but he does remind me a little of him when he is on the PP…and we certainly need a PP QB.

  12. it cant be all offence though , and i think this is what will undo the habs this year. having said that. we all know that the leafs play there best and only hockey in the regular season, its gonna be a long season for montreal. hopefully a final 3. the habs need too get a shot at another star.

    again for the leafs it was to see if they fit in the current lineup. so domi is fighting as much as slafkowski to make the team.

    it could of been easily a 4-3 loss lost though it was close.

  13. The Leafs have once again shown this bizarre tendency to for unknown reasons just stop fighting for the puck and watch the Habs make a 3 goal comeback to win. With 8 minutes left in the game and a 4 – 2 lead with all your best high paid players playing against a very young rebuilding Montreal team you would think this would be easy for Toronto … but no … they choked … again . Montreal showed heart … Toronto showed the ghosts are still present.

  14. I don't are about the game. The real questions are: Did enough players kneel for the recent thing? Was there a player who refused to kneel, and will he/she/zir be suspended? The NHL and all other money sports can go auto-fornicate.

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