@Detroit Red Wings

Preseason Game Thread: Detroit Red Wings (0-0-0) at Pittsburgh Penguins (0-0-0) – 04 Oct 2023 – 07:00PM EST

[](/r/detroitredwings)Detroit Red Wings (0-0-0) at [](/r/penguins)Pittsburgh Penguins (0-0-0)

# [Link to GameGifs](/r/DetroitRedWings/comments/16zk6tz/preseason_game_thread_detroit_red_wings_000_at/k3ev5t8/)

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Time/Link | Tweets updated: 08:11:15AM (updates every 10 seconds)
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:—: | :—: | :—: | :—: | :—


by OctoMod


  1. Below is a list of user-submitted clips/gifs

    **Use ‘!GameGif’ in your comment to include your clip below**

    Also, be sure to follow /r/RedWingsGifs (courtesy of /u/PrinceTyke)

    User | Clip
    :—: | :—

  2. Hopefully this is more of an NHL level game than the Chicago game last night. Thinking this is going to be the most complete NHL roster we play this preseason. Games tomorrow and Saturday are going to be the last chances to see a lot of the prospects.

    But there’s so many prospects at camp this year that we might not get to see much more of the full timers until the season starts in Jersey next Thursday.

  3. xenonwarrior666

    Holy shit I didn’t know we had another game.

    Guessing it’ll be more similar to the A team since many guys on the roster have played a shit ton of hockey in 5 days.

    The Cat Larkin Raymond line is more rested.

    Who knows maybe Lalonde is gonna run the boys ragged to see how they’ll deal with it

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