@Dallas Stars

Lecture: Biblical Series XIV: Jacob: Wrestling with God

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In this lecture, I present the second half of the story of Jacob, later Israel (he who struggles with God). After serving his time with his uncle Laban, and being deceived by him in the most karmic of manners, Jacob returns to his home country. On the way, he encounters an angel, or God Himself, wrestles through the night with Him. Successful in his encounter, he still sustains damage to his thigh, but earns the name Israel, and becomes the father of all those who to this day wrestle with God.

Producer Credit and thanks to the following $200/month Patreon supporters. Without such support, this series would not have happened: Mike Hodges, Nick Swenson, Nathaniel Snyder, Nolan Watson, Michael M, Ahmad Alnatour, The Renegade of Funk, Levi Grandt, Nicole Weiss, David Morris Burns, Maciej Bembnista, Mauricio Morales Sanchez, Fabio Sousa, Kelly Rentzel, Roshan Punnen, Zachary Vader, Heather Drieling, TheArchangel911, Doug Deeper, Christopher Hostland, Secret Cow, Lynn Holland, Kyle Fowler, Luke Mortenson, Mark Hoad, Fabian Schuler, Eric Pirog, Khalil Choudhry, Sarah Lee South, Justin Lapollo, Benjamin Cracknell, Dan Gaylinn, Badr El Amari, GeorgeB, Ryan Kane, Enrico Leiaru, Craig Morrison, David Tien, Keith Jones, Kevin Van Eekeren, John Woolley, Julie Byrne, Srdan Pavlovic, Kevin Fallon, Sabish Balan, Chad Grills, Johnny VInje, Joel Kurth, Daren Connel, Kristina Ripka, Sean C, Jesse Michalak, James Bradley, David Johnson, Damian Fink, Brian Cartmell, Jan Suchanek, Matt Sattler, Louise Parberry, Chris Martakis, Linda Ashar, Jason Ferenc, Mayor Berkowitz, Patricia Newman, Ben Baker, George Diaz, Soheil Daftarian, Christopher Ballew, Kevin Patrick McSurdy, Trey McLemore, Safa Maiwand, DDS, Scott Carter, Robin Otto, Arden Armstrong, James N. Daniel, III, Trick


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  1. Why is Jacob in the wrong when Esau has no interest in Yahweh? He had no interest in his spiritual inheritance. God blessed Jacob because Jacob's heart was with God.
    The reason God blesses Jacob even after running is because Esau wants to kill Jacob. God doesn't want Jacob or Esau dead. Jacob ran because he has no ill will towards Esau. Esau had no proper reverence for his position in life. He was in line to be an ancestor of Jesus and didn't care.
    Jacob heart appreciated everything God promised. He embraced it and guarded his spiritual inheritance.
    Esau only cared about himself and Yahweh protected Jacob from his obviously stronger, more deadly brother.

  2. The dude who keeps asking the long winded questions at the end is just the kind of self-aggrandizing pseudo intellectual that i can't stand. A few lectures ago Jordan even said how annoying it is for him and the audience when people ask these kind of questions just so everyone can hear how "smart" they are.

  3. Jordan, Jordan never fails to impress and puncture your brain with knowledge and hitting that right spot where you store all the things that nourish you into something, we need more people like you my guy and keep doing you!

  4. The IQ statement was interesting. Unfortunately in my family it was the eldest son and baby daughter for whom are closer to my fatherā€™s personality that had a 20 point difference between me and my older sister for whom have an IG >115.

  5. Jacob is from the previous tribes which made the 12 tribes of Israel after those previous tribes before Jacob.

  6. Upon hearing the walls separating the explored and the unexplored, shielding the order from chaos, how i wish Dr. Peterson could one day dig into Attack on Titan and do a commentary on this fascinating anime.

  7. You can easily spot the falsehood of Judeo-Christian religion simply by looking at these stupid nonsense stories. How can almighty God with all his power, knowledge, high status step down and wrestle with a human , and more funny be beaten by this weak, ignorant human. I have only one message to all people who believe in these nonsense stories; WAKE UP DUMP PEOPLE and start finding a better religion!!!

  8. Jacob wins- meaning he figures things out and gains the truth. Itā€™s like when I wrestle with my child, if he beats me that means heā€™s grown, and I havenā€™t lost but I too have won in his elevation, because I love him and the match isnā€™t whatā€™s really important.

  9. Ok so heā€™s right about a lot of what heā€™s saying but reading modern psychology into all of these primitive writings falls apart in so many ways if you know the Bible somewhat well. And I think JP only knows the parts of the Bible that Carl Jung talked about. For one, if these were ā€œboy who cried wolfā€ style moral stories, there wouldnā€™t be so many painstaking genealogies, details about the measurements of the tabernacle and ark, war details etc. Heā€™s just wrong in his thought that ancient people were trying to communicate philosophical/psychological ideas through narrative lol itā€™s really wild when you think about it. When I was in college (a scam) there was a class where the teacher would always read way too far into the literature of the last century which was cringe enough but this dude is really trying to read modern psychoanalysis into 2000+ year old historical narratives? Lol Iā€™m bout to piss myself. Well itā€™s really not his fault. JP just takes everything jung said as gospel truth.

  10. Contending with the message, and the messenger, is meditating on the word (precisely what Jordan is doing). The word brings forth the indwelling Spirit of Holiness. (Psalm 1)(Gal 3:5)(Romans 10:17)

  11. I can barely get anything out of reading this story and he is able to give a 2 hour lecture, I admire this man's inteligente I can only wish to be half as smart as him.

  12. Iā€™ve been a delusional schizophrenic for two years, I myself thought I was helping a couple that took an interest to me after getting involved in a YouTube channel. Thank you for your work.

  13. No one can see God. God reveals Himself through dreams and visions only. The Bible clearly says Moses is the only exception. Therefore, Jacob did not wrestle with God. Jacob wrestled with an angel. Angel represented God but not God Himself. Jacob thought he wrestled with God. That was just his unilateral proclamation not confirmed by any other Bible verses. In Hosea 12:4, Jacob's opponent is described as "malakh", which means angel.

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