@Pittsburgh Penguins

Evgeni Malkin Story: Sidney Crosby Interview

Sidney Crosby Interview from Spittin Chiclets Podcast

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  1. Sid is the greatest person in the NHL. We are SOOOOO fortunate to have him here in Pittsburgh. Not kidding. GREAT player and tremendous person.

  2. lmfao this is why the NHL SUCKS AND MAKES NOTHING.. thats there face of the league.. NO PERSONALITY WHAT SO EVER HOLY SHIT TALK ABOUT BORING… NO SOCIAL SKILLS AT ALL each interviewer did there best to open the door for him to be funny and he just killed it. fuck him man what a shame, thank god OVI is the goat because his game has brought so many fans while crosbys game is just like his personality boring and pathetic

  3. It wasn’t his first year with the ‘C’. That was 07-08. His first year with Malkin was 06-07

  4. That one season Crosby went down for a good stretch Malkin took the reigns and had a 3 or 4 week stretch where he was GOAT. Unstoppable. I think Malkin is the kind of guy who needs 23 or 24 minutes a night to be optimum effectiveness. Just that type of player.

  5. Please make a story time version of the sid/ geno story… LOL. "It's my 2nd year bud, fucking beat it! " -whitty

  6. Malkin deserve more respect than he gets, bandwaggon fan wanna trade him, even if hes slow, he still has his shots and handling

  7. I love how Sid doesnt fully understand how odd it is to have a superstition of telling the same story as if for the first time to a teammate every game. "he was on bored" I love the crazy

  8. Crosby is such a class act. Guy next to him tries to bring down Malkin a little bit but Crosby is there to bring him back up. He's a good friend

  9. I met Geno once, it was 2014 and I was in Chicago for work. I grabbed some street food for lunch and looked around for a park bench where I could just chill, they were all full. I keep walking for a bit and I finally see a bench so I sit down and eat my lunch.

    I can see from far some tall lanky guy walking around lookin for a spot to sit and eat, so I move over and tell him he can sit next to me.
    He sits down and eats his food, I didn’t realize it was Geno at this point. A few seconds go by and he says “This food sucks” in a heavy accent, I look at him and I’m like yeah it’s not great. Then I recognized him but I didn’t say anything, I didn’t wanna ruin his afternoon. So I asked him what he was in Chicago for, he tells me he’s part of the Russian Bowling Federation. I nearly spit out my food, I was Fucken dying of laughter. His English sucked which made it even funnier.

    So I entertain the thought, and say wow that’s cool man, I didn’t know Russians were into bowling?
    He says “Oh ya bowling is very big in Russia” I’m trying to keep a straight face but I can’t.

    So I tell him, “Nice try Geno”. He looked at me and laughed hahah it was hilarious. Chit chatted for a bit and then he left. He appreciated me not fan-girling all over him.

    I’ll never forget that, what are the odds.

  10. KNow you jock-sniffers LOVE sitting and listening to your fav athlete….. but I don't understand what they are talking about.
    Sound like 14 yo girls, "like", "you know".
    90% of pro athletes cannot communicate clearly. Not calling them dumb. They just sound dumb, ok?

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