@Toronto Maple Leafs

Dylan McIlrath vs Wayne Simmonds Nov 23, 2019

Dylan McIlrath vs Wayne Simmonds from the Detroit Red Wings at New Jersey Devils game on Nov 23, 2019. via


  1. For everyone saying this was yawn fest, please understand that they’re at the end of their shift

  2. Easy tussle for the refs to intervene in, but shockingly they stay out of it. They must have known that the combatants started off winded. If it was to be an exciting spirited-tussle they would have ruined the fun.

  3. Laughing my ass off at how simmonds acts like he won that fight when he got tooled.

  4. Simmons no reason you can't be 215-220lbs.. Your 6'2. To quote Mr Costello from the Departed. "Eat something"

  5. Decent fight I suppose. It's funny what passes for a 'good' fight in today's NHL. I keep hoping one day I'll wake up and fighting will be like it used to be in the big leagues. An old man can dream I guess.

  6. Much respect to both guys, 30 seconds or less in the game, both guys appeared to be exhausted, shame.

  7. Dear Santa …Please bring my beloved Toronto Maple Leafs either a rugged tough D man who fights or a tough physical winger who does the same. We are way to small , way to soft and way to easy to play agaisnt.

  8. Simmonds is a born warrior… moron announcer doesn't know what he's talking about with that courage comment.

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