@National Hockey League

In honor of Patrick Roy’s 58th birthday, what your favorite moment of his?

In honor of Patrick Roy’s 58th birthday, what your favorite moment of his?

by Human-Skin-7804


  1. NoPhone4571

    Him trying to show up Shanahan by doing the Statue of Liberty in the WCF, and then dropping the puck into his net.

  2. Exciting_Ad4264

    Spin-o-rama on Gretzky is a classic. They need to give him the zone ability in chel

  3. boonsonthegrind

    I can’t hear what jeremy says, because I’ve got my two Stanley cup rings plugging my ears.

  4. RabidWolverine2021

    Seeing him getting absolutely smoked 7-0 by the Red Wings in game 7 of the 2002 WCF!

  5. tuxedo7777

    Tie. When Mike Vernon beat his ass & his last game in Montreal.

  6. uRbaN_AraGoRN

    deking out Gretzky while skating with the puck past the center line. that shit was just pure gold 👌🏼🌟🥇

  7. The-dopechaud

    Last game in Montreal, beating his wife, telling his kid to assault someone as a coach

  8. His statue of liberty with the puck still on the ice and wings poked it in for the bog game 6 goal.

    But my fav comment of him is the “I can’t hear you, I have 2 cup rings in my ears”

  9. jimmycap123

    His last game as a Canadien.I loved how he called out Trembley and told Corey he wanted out

  10. Finrad-Felagund

    Only one mention of him going for a skate down 4-1 late in the third, skating over the red line with the puck for the memes

  11. Ecstatic-Arachnid-91

    Him and Ozzie duking it out at center ice. Can never go wrong with a goalie fight!

  12. 72Radiohead72

    My favorite moment is when Chris Osgood’s blocker opened up a big gash over his eye during a fight.

  13. KolhiiHead69

    When he winked at Tomas Sandstrom in the finals against LA. I love cocky players who back it up.

  14. Dixie_Normuss69420

    Growing up as a Wings fan, I don’t have enough time to name them all. Fuck him, #LGRW

  15. PalpitationOk5726

    The look on Mario Tremblay’s face when Roy was pulled in his last game, walked by Rejean Houle telling him I just played my last game in Montreal.

  16. NotAMacaw

    All you Mike Vernon fans can stomp your brakes.
    Roy has twice the Cups Vernon does and far more NHL hardware. One random fight doesn’t define a goalie’s career. Vernon was an average tendy at best.

  17. No-Weekend1041

    There’s a couple good ones, the wink is probably my top and saying he can’t hear Roenick because his cup rings are plugging his ears

  18. SovietHockeyFan

    When he was finally pulled against Detroit, he walked right past Tremblay to team president Ronald Corey and said “Bernard, call Deh-troit, tell dem bullshit. Trade me rite fahking naow!”

    Or something like that

  19. zentiger45

    Owning Roenick with his 2 Stanley Cup rings plugging his ears.

  20. EarthenChild

    Definitely getting his ass beat by Vernon with close second and third being his Statue of Liberty gaffe and his last game in Montreal.

  21. Oatmeal_Savage19

    My Wings blowing him right out of Montreal into Colorado then beating him in the playoffs and Mar. 26/97 when Vernon rocked him in the brawl

  22. Jmac24mats13

    Shanny moment for sure. I remember being at my cousins house watching this and outside of a great Leafs moment I don’t think I’ve ever jumped up a celebrated a hockey moment like that. Probably makes me sick but could never stand Roy and his ego

  23. Apprehensive_King914

    A brawl broke out on the ice, and Roy pointed down at the opposing goalie. They both casually removed their gear, then met at center ice and threw down

  24. Different_Support_36

    As a Habs fan: going full God mode in ‘93

    As an entertainment fan: “I couldn’t hear what Jeremy said because I had my two Stanley Cup rings in my ears.”

  25. Wings putting 11
    Goals in on him, him crying, and then he got traded 😂😂😂!! Then the wings dominated him till 2002

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