@Tampa Bay Lightning

Preseason GDT: Tampa Bay Lightning vs Florida Panthers (10/5/23)

Alright folks Lightning hockey is back which means GDTs are coming back as well. As a reminder, these are the subs rules that are going to be enforced as usual: There will be no bumpin’, no cheatin’, no spittin’, no bittin’, no road rage, no maimin’, no oil slickin’, no pushin’, no shovin’, no backstabbin’, no road-hoggin’ and no lollygaggin’.
Ok but here are the actual rules:
1. No trolling
2. Racist, homophobic, or any other socially unacceptable comments or insults will not be tolerated
3. No upvote parties
4. No reaction/low content posts
Arena: Amalie Arena 🥳
Time: 7:00 PM
TV: [](

by MonarchChonarch


  1. Big_ole_mudpie

    can’t wait for another 100 plus penalty min preseason game lol

  2. Tpabayrays2

    I was at the game Tuesday. Popping some corn now because this is gonna be fun 🍿

  3. SwagFondue

    It’s just the pre-season but the Bogosian/Fleury defensive pairing is giving me heartburn.

  4. dadvsspawn

    Man I wish every broadcast was like these games.

  5. Big_ole_mudpie

    Why does coop refuse to put merela on a line with skilled players, like let’s see what he can do with someone in the top 6

  6. Nick_named_Nick

    That Eyssimont at end of this period spin was INSANE. Legit pirouette between two guys and pings the bar.

  7. somethingambiguous37

    Does nobody in charge of the broadcast watch this broadcast? They’ve got rock music playing over commercials, playing over commentators, playing over in-house announcers. What is even happening?

  8. Youralgebra3

    Kuuuuuuuuccchhhhhh ⚡️⚡️

  9. Rogue_LeI3eau

    “How many times do I have to teach you this lesson old man!?”
    -Watson probably

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