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VIRAL: Parent BLASTS Critical Race Theory at School Board Meeting

In a recent viral video, Ty Smith blasted critical race theory at a local school board meeting. After listening to a plethora of white parents argue that CRT is a good thing, he felt he had to stand up and push back.

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#Candace #CandaceOwens #DailyWire #CriticalRaceTheory #CRT


  1. I think that instead of having critical race theory they should just edit the history curriculum to include more history about what really happened with blacks and natives in this country. I really don’t think that we need a whole separate class to teach us about racism. All of it is history. However I do really think that they need to edit the current history curriculum. I was taught in school that Christopher Columbus was a really nice man who came and saved Native Americans, and the Native Americans were vicious monsters and attacked Christopher Columbus and his people for no reason. None of that is true. Therefore I don’t think we need a critical race history class I think they just need to start telling more on his truths about what happened in the history of America in our current history classes.

  2. What is keeping black America from success is the lack of the black man in the household. We all know that’s the damn truth. But unfortunately a lot of us have been brainwashed into believing that racism is what’s holding us back. That’s the Democrats and the liberals talking fuck them.

  3. Much respect for Ty. No race thoughts in this at all. He set goals, reached them & achieved what he set out to do. The American Dream. Anything is possible if you work for it.

  4. Top marks. If more people could see the "Big Picture" of what CRT teaching will promote, the discussion would take an abrupt change.

  5. Absolutely brilliant!! I'm so grateful for Candace. Thank you for having this brave wonderful man on the channel. Zero White guilt or privilege here. It's all such a myth. It's disgusting that even churches are jumping on this bandwagon of insanity. Keep up the good work and fighting the good fight.

  6. This man is brilliant! Listen to the way he talks, the way he reasons, the way he thinks. Perfect example of someone that isn't letting nonsense stop him from getting his! As a 60 year old white male, why in the world would I not listen to him??? No doubt a leader

  7. That’s quite a powerful statement Candice, "is it now about white people feeling superior to other white white people talking about black people and not even listening to black people?"

  8. Whelp I was called Candace Owens cousin for speaking up on this!! Hey cousin😭😂🤣!! I took it as a compliment and said, Candace Owens is a beautiful intelligent black woman thank you❤️🇺🇸❤️🇺🇸❤️ I know what they meant 😉 sad and disgusted by the use of your name as a Stereotype. 🤦🏽‍♀️ How do we fight bigotry with bigotry ? 🤔🙄 It's worse coming from those who wake up in the same skin we do. Keep up the great work Candace!! 🇺🇸❤️🇺🇸❤️🇺🇸❤️🇺🇸

  9. The white guilt was a set up to help with the political theft and lies

  10. It's deeper than what you are saying! It actually keeps blacks in "their" place which keeps them down and keeps the whites inbthe mindset that "yeah, I am better than them"!

    It's all white racism. It's like the rich keeping the poor, poor by devising ways in which ensures this occurs and now the whites are doing the same with this CRT

  11. When you say “white guilt”. Those people have no sense of reality. You should not feel guilty about anything you have not contributed to or caused. Society needs to stop living in the past and be accountable for what we do today. Racism is taught and can be erased if it’s stopped being taught. Erase hate and spread love. Trump/Owens 2024. Please run i will vote for you!!

  12. 100% fact am from Nigeria, Black's sold blacks to the white man , when the white arrived in out continent slave trade was already on the ground

  13. It's really simple. Skin color won't dictate your fate. The system has major issues, but it is in no way racist. There are zero laws, zero regulations, zero rules within the system specifically trying to prop up white americans above non-white americans.

  14. CRT does not belong in schools. It started in academia, it is helpful to articulate covert racism in some spaces but like LGBT etc it is something that is nuanced and for adults that are well read. Not all white people are racist, not all black people are bad or lazy, not all Asian people are hard working. Those narratives are not helpful but we must admit covert racism exists.

  15. We have the same problem here in Australia, but we are further along the track than you are in the States. The Australian Aborigines have been given so much more than the rest of the Australian population by the Government, (even given an apology by the prime minister, for the past) which in my mind was a mistake because it opened the flood gates to the point that it has caused in itself prejudice. We've given so much land and tourist sites back to whom I don't know because the full blooded aboriginal is not bothered by politics or land grabs. You only have to have one eighth aboriginal blood to get all their benefits. Most activists are not full blooded, are a mix many different races (more Caucasian than Aboriginal) but it suits to call themselves Australian Aborigines. As you say why am I being punished for what I didn't do. The latest is in sport some calling for an all black team, no whites included. (Fortunately denied). Now if that doesn't reek racial prejudice I don't know what does. Keep up the good fight.

  16. CRT is merely a means of shift the paradigm from the oppressed (minorities) to the oppressors (demonizing the caucasian ethnicity).

  17. satan is the god of this world right now. When satan saw that RACISM was actually dying out, he had to put a stop to it, by coming up with something that keeps Racism alive, so now we have Critical Race Theory (CRT)
    And since most Christians have the shutmouth virus, The last days generation of Nicolaitan Christians say NOTHING.

    Prayer was taken out of schools because Nicolaitan Christians said nothing to stop it.
    Homosexual were allowed to get married, because Nicolaitan Christians said nothing.
    And CRT will most likely be taught to all children, because Nicolaitan Christians will say NOTHING to stop that either.

    Those who hear something false, and says nothing, will be judged by God.

    This generation utterly FAILS to understanding the meaning of these verses:

    Eze 33:3  If when he seeth the sword come upon the land, he blow the trumpet, and warn the people; 

    Eze 33:4  Then whosoever heareth the sound of the trumpet, and taketh not warning; if the sword come, and take him away, his blood shall be upon his own head. 

    Eze 33:5  He heard the sound of the trumpet, and took not warning; his blood shall be upon him. But he that taketh warning shall deliver his soul. 

    Eze 33:6  But if the watchman see the sword come, and BLOW NOT THE TRUMPET, and the people be not warned; if the sword come, and take any person from among them, he is taken away in his iniquity; but HIS BLOOD WILL I REQUIRE AT THE WATCHMAN'S HAND. 

    This generation of Nicolaitan Christians don't want NOTHING to do with that Trumpet. They would much rather say NOTHING, so as to not rock the boat. Pathetic.

  18. Critical race Theory is racism against white people all it is is white hate you can't stop racism by demonizing an entire race of people and throwing an entire race of people under the bus. CRT goes against everything Martin Luther King stood four.

  19. It’s the twisted lefty’s that are spreading this shit to divide people… they’re also the ones race baiting all the time.

  20. It's a theory. That's all. One person's theory. The clue is on the name. Critical Race THEORY. Oh and there's also the word CRITICAL…hmm doesn't sound very harmonising does it.

  21. What a blind and ignorant negro he is! Though I don't care for the label "Critical Race Theory" all it's suggesting is that white folks are afraid to face the truth of their murderous history. They don't want their children to learn of their treacherous past, and want every African American to be just as much a self hater as Candace Owens, and other negroes like her. White supremacists are not a theory. They are as evident as what they continue to show those of us to whose eyes are open.

  22. Candace? Do you think your white butt licking non-support of the suffering of your own people surprises any conscious African American at all? The guilty ones that don't want to face the truth don't like you any better than any of the rest of us. They're just comfortable with you because you're one of their trained dogs that they successfully tamed.

  23. Love that he went looking for evidence for the oppression and he did not find it. That freed him to pursue whatever he wanted. Amazing.

  24. It’s not all white peoples fault; it’s constantly being pushed on us by a lot of the black community, telling us that we need to feel guilty because of the color of our skin. I think it’s WAY more racist for white people to tell a black person that they’re oppressed and don’t have a fighting chance in life because of the color of their skin.. I don’t judge ANYONE on their appearance (skin color, the way they dress, etc.). I have ALWAYS taken time to get to know someone and the content of their character before I make judgments. That’s why I have friends that are cops, former addicts, nurses, friends that came from big cities, small towns, friends who race cars for a living, I have friends that are farmers, friends that model for a living, I have friends that came here from Mexico, my ex’s family came here from Korea.. I don’t see the point in “Critical Race Theory”, unless you’re wanting to keep people APART and oppressed. You keep bringing up people’s skin color, and that’s what people are going to keep noticing first.

  25. If a people are reaping the benefits off of something that was stolen and they know it was stolen, they are a accessory to the crime. They are as guilty as the thief.

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