@Washington Capitals

It’s All About Kickbacks | Dmitry Orlov

Dmitry Orlov was born in Leningrad, USSR, into an academic family, and emigrated to the US in the mid-1970s. He holds degrees in Computer Engineering and Linguistics, and has worked in a variety of fields, including high-energy physics, Internet commerce, network security and advertising. He is the author of several previous books, including Reinventing Collapse and The Five Stages of Collapse.

Dmitry’s books:


  1. The benefit to Biden admin is a western refresh of military equipment contracts for the next 10 years after letting go of crap to UKR. And Zlsky et al corruption gets to continue during this.

  2. Does fighting to the last Ukranian per the West and ZLSKY include by ZLSKY?

  3. I exception to your assertion on social spending providing no kick-back, Dmitry. During Obama's tenure he gave JPMorganChase the debit card contract, the SNAP business for his pal Jamie Dimon. Interestingly as well, albeit off-topic, during the Macondo well disaster JPMC was the largest shareholder of BP, and as a result Jamie Dimon also commanded the US Coast Guard in the U.S. Southeast for the duration of the crisis. Legalizing bank bail-ins was a significant result of Barack and Jamie arm-twisting Congress after hours on the eve of a Christmas recess so it was far less than the usually required quorum that passed the bail-in bill.

  4. If the Nordstream pipeline is not fixed in 2025, and Russian gas flows, Europe will become a third world country with very little chance of coming back. It sucks.

  5. It's amazing how fellow physicists can be this dumb/foolish – usually an inability to work with own emotions and balance.
    Why don't you question him more on the downsides for Russia, or what is the value of expensive missiles hitting civilian targets in cities across the country?
    The giveaway is inability to see "the cons" along with "the pros" in a complex situation.

  6. What partial-bollocks 22min in… The USSR only survived against the Germans because of American military supplies and critical provisions that the Allies (sensibly) gave them.

  7. 24:55 So ironic coming from a guy whose own brain is so plainly 'twisted'. But he speaks confidently, and that is the key to being believed while making crude generalizations.

  8. 35:22 If he's going to lie in such volume, then he could at least show a modicum of intelligence. The Ukrainians have always been short of munitions, and could not afford to burn them on hitting civilian targets, like the Russians have done from Mariupol' to Kharkiv to Odessa – and even a little bit to L'viv. (Of course, let's speak sincerely, recognizing that both sides hit civilians in the wrestle over the Donbas 2014-22 and the Ukrainians failed to honor Minsk I and II). I think Putin himself would laugh at the shoddy intellect of this guy, but seems you keep inviting him on!

    At least challenge every guest with all evidence against his own favored theories – that's how effective science works: always trying to prove myself wrong so that my understanding may improve. It's not about a long cherry-pick to give the impression of being right.

  9. I never understood why Russia didn't first block the western border of Ukraine to block any western supplies before doing anything else and avoid the mistake the US made not to prioritize blocking the Ho Chi Minh Trail before attacking North Vietnam and it subsequently cost America the war. All weapon systems regardless of their effectiveness are useless if they lack fuel and cannot move to or from the frontline.

  10. It's the merry go round of the 1% and the slave – toll of the rest… WAKEY WAKEY LIKE THE AFRICAN CONTINENT
    don't you find it funny they loan you money and push you to war and clap with glee while your young MEN die and your nation turn to DUST
    as far as ww are concerned, the RUSSIANS sacrificed the most > than 40 million dead and vast tracts of land subdivided

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