@Vegas Golden Knights

Pietrangelo On Getting Suspended For Game 5

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  1. Everyone knows what’s going on. What an idiot playing the victim.

  2. wow- takes NO responsibility at all. NHL is so bad. no apology, no recognition of his intent & actually causing injury, says being able to take a day off to relax takes care of it. skated a long distance to deliver a 2 handed smash to unprotected area of wrist/arm… when puck was 60' away…

  3. Zero personal accountability for what was a clear intent to injure. And hardly any questions pertaining to it.

  4. Oilers blow. Below average D, below average goalie and no depth. McDingbat and Drycrotch can’t do it all. This series is over.

  5. So absolutely no accountability for what he did. Seems about like the kind of man he is…

  6. Everyone crying about him getting a game and yet Kane didn't get anything for trying to take his head off. This is NHL playoffs and if you expect to know what is and what isn't allowed I'm sorry to inform you that no one knows the rules.

  7. Can't blame him for the inadequate length of suspension this is all on George Parros and the dysfunctional and incompetent Department of Player Safety

  8. This guy is my hero.

    If you don’t like the rough stuff there’s a sport called basketball y’all Canadians should get interested in….

    Hockey belongs to the states since ‘93

  9. dude chops another players arm with intent to injure because he was "pretty sure" the oilers have been pre-meditated head hunting him. i'm "pretty sure" that's irrelevant after you did what you did lol

  10. playoff hockey is about finishing your checks on the other team's top players. It's the way it's always been and this guy is crying about it like he has some special untouchable privilege and basically justifying a tomahawk chop 50 feet from the puck

  11. Cant wait to see Edmonton take a million penalties tomorrow trying to be a tough team. Kane is gonna get a game misconduct in the first 5 mins

  12. Kane crosscheck Pietrangelo in the face and got 2 minute, Oilers have been targeting Pietrangelo and Stone. You reap what you sow.

  13. "hey I kept getting hit in a hockey game, so I thought it would be a good idea to skate 40 feet away from the puck and over-hand-chop someone because I can't take it and felt i needed to intentionally hurt a star player" – Pietrangelo

  14. Glad he didn't give some bullshit PR answer. Good for him. The fact that Kane can charge at him with 1 second left in the period and cross check him in the face and nothing happens should surprise no one that this is the result.

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