@St. Louis Blues

Wrestler Gets Knocked Out (GRAPHIC CONTENT)
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4A and 5A Wrestling State Championships in Utah, a wrestler from Fremont High School gets knocked out in the first few seconds of wrestling against a wrestler from Lehi High School. The names of the wrestlers have been with-held from the description for privacy. After about 4 minutes of regaining consciousness, the wrestling resumed. He was not injured, just a little shaken up. The audible voices in the video are family members of the Fremont wrestler. Thank you!


  1. so…. wheres the graphic? There was nothing graphic about what happened….. pansies.

  2. Most people involved in sports will ruine their lives n health w injury. it 20 times worse when your old.

  3. The description says "After about 4 minutes of regaining consciousness, the wrestling resumed." I hope not, cause you can't know if there is an injury underneath without further investigation. Bravo to the refereee and to the athlete!

  4. I really hope that wasn’t a spine injury , was he knocked out or was he not able to move any of his body? 😬

  5. I broke my nose and dislocated my shoulder during my wrestling days , not an easy sport

  6. Did I read the description right? After 4 minutes of regaining consciousness the wrestling RESUMED?!?!??!?!

  7. People use "Graphic" for anything, yall are just wimps, it's not like he murdered him, or did anything more than simply knock him out

  8. Just wait until a girl gets her neck snapped by a male wrestler. It's GOING TO HAPPEN at some point, you heard it here first.

  9. Happened to me back in my 7th grade year of wrestling, a kid had me in a head in arm and threw me over and same thing in the video, landed flat on the top of my head. I was out of it for the rest of the tournament, wrestled 3 matches afterwards and my coach would check me after each one and ask if I was good, he said my balance was off and my eyes weren’t coordinated. Got checked afterwards and had a concussion. Definitely not as bad as the wrestler in the video but landing on top of your head is a crazy thing

  10. Man, he couldve broken his neck and died or was paralyzed. And it wasnt the kids fault – he did a legitimate takedown. And super awesome on the opposing kid and ref for seeing that. I hope the guy recovered fully. It just takes one millimeter off and boom!
    Like Christopher Reeve. Every equestrian expert said it was a common fall that millions of riders have experienced – he just landed in that 1 in a billionth position – paralyzed forever.

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