@Dallas Stars

Lecture: Biblical Series XIII: Jacob’s Ladder

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The Psychological Significance of the Biblical Stories starts up after a two month hiatus with the first half of the story of Jacob, the founder of Israel (“those who wrestle with God”), the man who robs his brother of his birthright, is deceived into marrying the wrong woman, and dreams of a stairway to heaven, in the ancient Shamanic tradition.

Producer Credit and thanks to the following $200/month Patreon supporters. Without such support, this series would not have happened: Mike Hodges, Nick Swenson, Nathaniel Snyder, Nolan Watson, Michael M, Ahmad Alnatour, The Renegade of Funk, Levi Grandt, Nicole Weiss, David Morris Burns, Maciej Bembnista, Mauricio Morales Sanchez, Fabio Sousa, Kelly Rentzel, Roshan Punnen, Zachary Vader, Heather Drieling, TheArchangel911, Doug Deeper, Christopher Hostland, Secret Cow, Lynn Holland, Kyle Fowler, Luke Mortenson, Mark Hoad, Fabian Schuler, Eric Pirog, Khalil Choudhry, Sarah Lee South, Justin Lapollo, Benjamin Cracknell, Dan Gaylinn, Badr El Amari, GeorgeB, Ryan Kane, Enrico Leiaru, Craig Morrison, David Tien, Keith Jones, Kevin Van Eekeren, John Woolley, Julie Byrne, Srdan Pavlovic, Kevin Fallon, Sabish Balan, Chad Grills, Johnny VInje, Joel Kurth, Daren Connel, Kristina Ripka, Sean C, Jesse Michalak, James Bradley, David Johnson, Damian Fink, Brian Cartmell, Jan Suchanek, Matt Sattler, Louise Parberry, Chris Martakis, Linda Ashar, Jason Ferenc, Mayor Berkowitz, Patricia Newman, Ben Baker, George Diaz, Soheil Daftarian, Christopher Ballew, Kevin Patrick McSurdy, Trey McLemore, Safa Maiwand, DDS, Scott Carter, Robin Otto, Arden Armstrong, James N. Daniel, III, Trick


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  1. 1:38:01 "we have a responsibility to grow the hell up"
    2:05:01 "belief in God is trying to find the path"!
    2:15:01 gulag archipelago-he redeemed himself by writing the book in a sense and simultaneously redeemed the world as well
    2:20:20 Muhammed was a war lord so how is Islam peaceful? It's not

  2. The ads are mind numbing in frequency. Very difficult to maintain a train of thought while being bombarded with Candy Crush and Lingo Kids sing along ads every 5 to 10 minutes.

  3. Just another example of yet another layer of the awesome meaning and value of life. Always an incredible opportunity for learning and new perspectives on the Christian and resurrection story.

  4. On a theological perspective the laddeer seems to be a promesse of reconciliation with god as the humankind is separated from god because of the original sin. It's the ladder of grace in some sort.

  5. His argument exists so that not ought to be also creating a locigal inconsistency if not downright contradiction.

  6. I love how Dr.Peterson was "absolutely blown away" by his sons drawing. Actually thought not pretend like kost parents would tell their children. He saw archetypal concepts in his sons ingenuity

  7. I think Jordan is s disciple for all that have missed out on a relationship wiht Jesus due to do many distractions but sadly more sp lack of parenting

  8. Hey Jordan , just. Tried to open your merch, store, would not open. Will keep trying have you subscribed and shared. Love ya Budd. God Bless ya …

  9. 1:35:00. Peterson speaks of how someone being at the limits of their knowledge and power breaks them down in the face of struggle. However, by overcoming it, how ever hard it may be, allows ones self to transcend their problems, become great, and better ones self. Peterson is truly great at throughly explaing simple yet abstract concepts. I am in awe and covered in goosebumps. Thank you Dr. Peterson!

  10. Dr. Peterson, listening to you these last couple of months has been like a great stretching of the intellect 🎓📚 Thank you for all your excellent work! God bless you & your family!🌷

  11. Dr Peterson this series is wonderful. I know it took an incredible amount of time and effort to do this. It’s amazing to me that anyone can get it anywhere for free. Thank you.

  12. Happiness is found in the playing of the game. a game consists of freedoms,barriers and purposes. The overcoming of not unknown barriers towards a known goal.

  13. yet another spot on lecture by Jordon. We are all lucky to have him.exciting to listen.

  14. With all due respect, I think Dr. Peterson gets something deeply wrong from the get-go. The Bible is NEVER about the individual. Yaweh is inherently the god of collective punishment. From the very begining with Adam and Eve, God punishes mistakes by cursing the WHOLE descendence of the culprit. The Greeks are the ones who invented the concept of the individual, not the Hebrews.
    That´s why, even though I value many of Dr. Peterson´s views and teachings, I believe his interpretation of the Bible to be inherently flawed. Everything good in christianity is greco-roman. Everything bad with it is semite. (and believing that doesn´t make me an antisemite, for all those fools who might come after accusing me. My wife is a jew, and I have no beef against them whatsoever).

  15. I mean, I agree with you and what you’re inferring about churches not teaching on the level as JP… and it is certainly true for every church Ive ever attended, Ive endlessly searched for one (that includes trying out different denominations, Mens groups, discipleship, bible studies, retreats, etc)

    The spiritual sustenance I desperately sought from investigating Christianity was only satisfied (and for only a brief stretch of time) from a handful of folks on YouTube, a couple of more esoteric authors/apologists from history (St. Augustine, Aquinas, Spurgeon, Thomas Merton, C. S. Lewis) and few more recent writers on the fringe (Rob Bell, Brennan Manning, Bart Ehrman)

    And Christian music and radio (KLove) does absolutely NOTHING for me.

    Because of my fruitless searches I started taking a hard look at “the fruit” of todays churches and I began seeing that there really is zero Jesus in churches. I see that there’s absolutely no God in its people. Many Churches today intentionally keep the message vanilla so theyre not turning people into real disciples living like Jesus commanded (give everything you have to the poor) so that they can continue making (oftentimes) insane amounts of tax-free dollars…. Your typical successful churches record making millions on a WEEKLY basis.

    Your outlined playbook church services go something like this… beginning with 20-30 mins of “worship”, and if it’s not ear-gougingly terrible, albeit well-meaning musicians and singers, it’s industry-leading audio/visual stage production value that puts most music venues to shame, (side note, for 25 years, I played on worship teams, the emphasis on concert-level music in modern “mega churches” is a huge selling point for congregation attendance and the only musician being paid for a 3 or 4 services commitment is the worship leader- and handsomely) followed by someone on staff reminding you again that you owe God your tithe, but honoring God requires going above and beyond (a point you are sure to hear repeated during the message. The average church “sermon” is a whopping 30 minutes…. I’ve heard it cut down as short as 20, rarely does it ever go over 40…. Cue a keyboardist padding emotive major chords while the pastor wraps up while choking up a bit (again, I played 3-4 gigs every weekend with these people, and brother believe me…. They get “choked up” at each service at the same time. I have never had a mind-blowing, life-altering, “Aha moment” in church- ever. This, you can guarantee is absolutely by design. I’ve never heard an accurate depiction of Jesus, the hard truths of Jesus, I’ve never actually felt challenged to investigate deeper into his more challenging mentions of behavior. This too is by design.

    And this is a big one for me…. MOST modern churches are refusing to practice communion.

    And your small town small churches, are dropping in numbers while the average age of attendees is steadily skyrocketing and it’s widely known that they will be facing imminent demise to the modern, big churches, because those “blue-haired” churches don’t give a single goddamn about modernizing or attracting the younger families, in effect condemning their success because of their adherence to close mindedness.

    The pastors of these big churches regularly are being ousted for making very Un-Christian, abhorrent behavior decisions.

    They build intentionally in wealthy communities and maintain membership by entertaining and keeping the message as superficial and milk toast as they can.

    The Catholic Church CONTINUES to pardon and cover up rampant pedophilia. Youth group leaders target young women all the time.

    And then you have the “god hates fags” variety doing exactly what Christ would never have done.

    Christian radio is so vapid and empty and if you take notice, they all say the same things in the same way- this too is intentional, the Christian music industry is a non-Christian business, but because Christian music sells (research the insane profits they’re still making in that sector of industry).

    So…. If you really take a look, I mean REALLY honestly level with yourself, you will find, as I have, that todays church (and I’m not sure how long this has been the case) is in fact satanic, materialistic, they preach the “lite beer” version of the Bible, hypocrisy runs rampant, the insane money they’re making tax-free is making people very, very wealthy by manipulating and extorting the emotionally shallow and guilt-prone, they love to say keep church & state separate but the church for decades has been HEAVILY driven by politics, the low-lifes and prostitutes are least likely to get a dime let alone dine either church-goers, I’ve never met a Christian that isn’t enslaved by money, driven by greed, obsessed with social standing, doesn’t love to gossip, isn’t interested in the least with studying the Bible, has zero introspection to admit their hypocrisy, isn’t rallying to end pedophilia or won’t fall prey to glaring manipulations of the church….. It’s shocking that no one in that group isn’t at all skeptical or concerned about how the modern Christian bears not a shred of resemblance to the person they identify themselves with.

    The religion is and always was founded on a psychological phenomena called Cognitive Dissonance- in order to buy into the philosophy, in order to divest yourself “fully” in its practices (or believe yourself to be), in order to CONVINCE the brain that a fantasy is the absolute truth, to inhibit forever (doomed to decay and fade) the intellectual part of your brain, one must be severed completely from reason/logic, hand over their intuition to authority, willingly undertake a process of complete separation from who they are, overhaul the human rite of maturation/development, abort the psychological process of individuation, hand over their keys, cease answering “who am I?” and begin demanding “tell me who I am”

    If you want the truth, you’re looking in the the wrong place. You’re never going to find what you need anywhere but from yourself.

    Don’t forget- it was the church that murdered Jesus.

    Read the seven woes (one version has six)….. that dude would be raging with those same questions today.

  16. My grandmother woke up everyday for the last 5 years of her life thanking YOUR god for her life, and every morning and night she would wake up and change her colostomy bag after being ravaged by cancer literally her entire life. Breast bone colon.
    I hate your pathetic christian god more than the cancer that stole my grandmother of her entire life.
    She made it to 67 years old.
    If theres a god that cares about me.
    I would rather give it up for it to save a child who is being raped and murdered as im typing this

  17. your decisions are determined by the master you serve you cannot serve 2 masters you will hate the one and live the other

  18. 1:37:00 This has been repeated so often that I feel a need to correct the record. Darwin sorted his version of evolution from Lamarck's. He didn't hitch a ride to the Galapagos, see a couple of finches, and then start bawling because he lost his faith. Evolution had been there since the ancient Greeks; Darwin simply presented evidence for his material model. It isn't difficult to attribute the ordering of the material of the universe to a Divine being (Gen 1:24; "Let the land produce …"). "God did it" is a worldview, not an observation. Darwin's issues went well beyond his work.

  19. Read this and think about my comments, and if you're at a particular level in your daily and life growth through the power of knowledge through God the Father that which is lite knowledge, you'll understand everything I've written, if yiu don't, uys time to expand one's consciousness to a level you think is non existent., a kind off awakening if you will.
    So that image of the brain, its brain stem and also the nervous system is all around an image I created within my imagination about exactly the same thing.
    I imagined the brain and its neurological pathways as the trees branches in to different areas of the mind, the conscious and subconscious, then the brain stem and spinal cord, are trunk and the nervous system the routes that are the connections to all of our physical pain, and have thought about that image for a couple of decades or more and was amazed at first to see others have had a similar experience in terms of imaginative thought processes leading to a conclusion that at the tip of that tree is God, and the compartmentalisation of our brains holding something 9f everything throughout out lives holf thr truth of God within us forcing us to connect those things that make us who we are searching for the ultimate truth within one's self through the order of knowledge creating a order of perspective leading to one place and one conclusion, all order is of and was ordained by God through the Son guided by the Holy Spirit, ans now jbe been searching for nearly 50yrs but consciously, purposely for at least 25yrs especiallyduring and after I was homeless fir around 4yrs continously and 2 more years on and off, sofa surfing, squaring in empty homes kinda thing, all the while
    God had and has a plan from the beginning and I mean from when he made man ans woman in their image, he know his plan for me and what a ride it has been and is as I climb closer to God, bug always remembering that only through him am I saved, only through the Son and his blood am I washed clean, Amen.
    I've watched many talks by JB Peterson, seeing his pain and watching him.grow as I have like a mighty oak suffering pain but with the strength to continue our firstly unknown then known.path towards God, such hardships as people , loved ones dying in front one's face at 7yrs of age of a heart attack, my dad, then my mum when.i was 16, and that led me towards then down a path if destruction, drugs, crime and ultimately incarceration, then social isolation then self isolation then which is all opposite to my nature of openness, friendliness, kindness and I'm very protective, but not overbearing, strict but fair people say about me, a real man, is another, but I am only in.tje eyes of God, the Heavenly Father,(The mind of God & the universe), Yeshua the Son,(The Body of Christ) and the Holy Spirit, (Parts of the soul of God) as we are made in their image, the image of the triune God, alm three, as kn mind body and soul, ans without any one of those three distinct parts we are nothing, dead in fact, so my realisation and conclusion to the meaning of life is this, out purpose 9s to be made in the image of God within and without, to worship the Holy Father by Glorifying the Holy Son through the Holy Spirit, amen, to become one with him, to ready ourselves for whats to come, and that's a place in heaven under the reign of our Lord of Lords King of Kings, our saviour Jesus Christ, Yeshua, the glory will be yours and is yours now and when you return to totally fulfill the laws of God sent through to be fulfilled in your second coming, amen. 🙏 🙌

  20. FunFact : god does not exist, or if he exists, he really doesn't know or care about us.
    If you don't believe me, just do a simple test. Ask god for a pizza. A pizza is something really simple, it's not eternal life or peace on Earth… I mean we all know the our loving god can't be bothered with kidergartens being bombared with mortars.
    Anyway, back to the pizza, ask your god for it and dont eat anything until that pizza appears… Enjoy your awakening 🙂

  21. The West's comprehension of Islam is one of those "can't see the forest for the trees" situations. The tradition of a separation between church and state was the defining factor of early Christianity. "Rend unto Caesar what is Caesar 's" was not Jesus's submission to worldly authorities, it was a sign of the spiritual resistance he employed when faced by the overwhelming might of the Roman legions. Passive resistance is an essential ingredient to Christianity.

    Ironically, Islam is a more rational and straight forward religion, from a symbolic logic point of view. If God is the force of all that is good in the world, why WOULDN'T the state merge itself with religion? This unitary system worked in Arabia because they were homogeneous enough to make it work. In the Roman Empire, there was too much diversity to ever unite all the people under a single functional government. And so, of necessity, they built instead a "kingdom in heaven." I.e. a moral lifestyle in spite of the injustices of the world. Surely if a person with no knowledge of the West and Islam was asked if they would rather live in a world where the state and the spirit are in eternal conflict, or one in which the state and the spirit are in harmony, they would choose the later.

    A greater irony still is that, empirically, it appears the Christian method of passive resistance has better material outcomes than a system of unitary authority as in Islam. The world's history isn't finished yet. So this might just be a transient situation. It does, however, beg the question of where we go from here.

  22. “If what I think is wrong, it’s important that I know it’s wrong.” I think that summarizes, to me, why I enjoy Dr. Peterson’s lectures.

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