@New Jersey Devils

I Have NEVER Seen An Interaction Like This Before..

In last nights Knights Petes game, Knights forward Ryan Humphrey takes a questionable high sticking penalty and proceeds to get into it with the penalty box attendant. Let me know what you thought of the interaction below!

#hockey #chl #ohl #londonknights #peterboroughpetes #ohlplayoffs


  1. Losing Broshu in the playoffs was the knights downfall. The backup was replaced with a Jr. B goalie and did better.

  2. I love this… I Almost didn’t click it bc I hate crap like that. But I’m happy I did bc that’s hockey n that’s life sometimes you’re heated n pissed n then you get it out n 2 seconds later you’re laughing about it n moving forward n enjoying life.

  3. It would be Nice if the nhl replays high sticks or at least have a ref in Toronto room watching the play and say no penalty. I've seen countless times teams get screwed.

  4. The official in the box should not be speaking to the player at all! He should be removed from future games for his actions. He is supposed to be neutral and impartial! I saw the exchange watching the game and the official was completely in the wrong!

  5. The real story here is the goddamn flopper. Please, please, please do not allow that horseshit into Hockey.

  6. old dude need to mind his buisness and shutup idk why they even need those guys in the box

  7. if i had know yoiu were a habs fan i would not have watched the video ,know one in the history of hockey has done more diving and gottem away with it than carboneau and mario trembly

  8. I was at this game only a few rows away from this when it happened. Everyone sitting around us, couldnt really tell wtf was going on. Just could tell there was a bunch of commotion around the box. Was certainly interesting to see the aftermath on TSN highlights that night.

  9. The guy is a penalty box attendant🤯 ….he has no right to berate a hockey player like that! The player was just sitting there and maybe he was complaining about the penalty call too much but that doesn't give the attendant the right to shake his finger at the player! Even though it turned out ok! 👎
    If it was me he did that to, even if I got ejected, he would have gotten an ear full and he would have learned a few new swear words! It may not be the "right" thing to do, but I am sick and tired hockey officials, on or off the ice officials, with overly swelled heads!

    my OPINION without prejudice 🦂🥂

  10. They are both Canucks which means they can get hot and pissed off and say some nasty stuff but in the end…they forgive and forget. Here in America they would hold a grudge forever and endlessly review it on social media.

  11. No! He did get him in the face. The guy put his gloves up to his face immediately. A natural reaction. That's very clear.
    It's one thing for players to be fighting with each other, but behaving that way to the penalty box keeper, and an elder, is something different. You don't do that. That is beyond disrespectful. Keep the roughhousing on the ice and not in the penalty box.

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