@Montreal Canadiens

Luke Schenn hit on Brendan Gallagher who is injured on the play. Feb 16th 2013

Brendan Gallagher got a Concussion from that hit by Luke Schenn.
Philadelphia Flyers vs Montreal Canadiens


  1. Don't worry guys, Gallagher says he's fine. he's gonna take his time, but will be back in a week.

  2. NHL NEED TO make a Review on the Brendan Gallagher hit, NHL mush do they homework for once !

    Asser c'est Asser, l'ont devrait lancer une pétition pour dénoncer l'ingérance et le racisme qu'évoque la NHL envers le Canada surtout envers le Québec. La NHL ne fait pas son boulot.

  3. The french canadian grammar in this comment section is about as strong as the united states economy.

  4. just like the commentator said "good strong hit" if you can't handle physical contact then don't watch hockey.

  5. He might not have been hit hard it is just how he got hit and what happened to his head.

  6. Get over it, Schenn barely even hit him. If you can't take those hits, stay out of dirty areas

  7. o.O.U MAD? HABS are firs! and ure fckn a Habs hater! If u never do playoffs, u will play against the habs, and we will win in 4. Go Habs Go. leafs suck

  8. LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL. no -,-. because u have something to do u? ure comment is stupid and ure idiot and u may be a fckn bruins fat fan

  9. merde oui. en dirais ki a des colisse de merde ki sont contre les canadiens, genre des esti de bruins fans qui hate canadiens. Yavait aucun joueur qui est suspendu lorsqu'il commet un gest salop envers joueurs des canadiens. CHara, grabovski, orr et les autres………………..

  10. Do we have to fight every team to win games?! The only reason why u watch hockey, is to see blood on the ice. and why are u talking about the bruins if ure a leafs fan? we have 3 more point than the bruins. we'll see where canadiens will be made on June 26. they will be in the stanley cup final bro and we will make history. a team who finished 15th last year will win the stanley cup the following year. GO HABS GO

  11. omgg its so sad not seeing gallagher in those two last match of habs:( does anybody know when his playing ?

  12. Looks like you're raging at everyone in this video. Keep raging. It's funny. Might want to ask mommy to change your habs undies.

  13. "Destroying"?? It was a rub out that turned into an awkward play. Didn't nail him and nothing to suggest he was targeting the head

  14. Maybe if he wasn't such a net crashing tool, he wouldn't be on anyone's hit list. I hope he gets schooled good by someone in the near future. Goalie crashing was cute in the WHL, but in the NHL, not so much. And you call this destroying? Seriously? If he can't take a little nudge like that, then his career in the league will be a short one.

  15. LOL "net crashing tool"??? stfu last i checked chicago, boston, the flyers were notorious for that, every team in the league does it, as a coach thats what u want, ur players to play hard until every whistle… if you had a player thats as small as he is SCREENING the goalie and working his ass off in areas that guys twice his size are paid to do then u wouldnt be here chirping about him lol

  16. the league didnt do anything, and if u know the law, our precious NHL isnt outside of it…. anybody in the league can be indicted for cracking a guys spine with the intent to injure… again everyone is a fucking specialist and know-it-all but then when it comes to their team they the first on the boat…

  17. Kevin, are you a habs fan? can you give me an update into Chara, Grabovski, and Luke Schenn incidents? Are charges pending or has a court date already been set? Mtl organization and hab fans are experts at getting the police involved in hockey plays so I just thought I'd ask.

  18. i am a habs fan, but im also a fan of punishing goons who think they can do wtv they want on the ice (including montreal players, before you make some bad attempt at a sarcastic comment) like I said, know-it-all spewing sarcastic jabs yet most fans of their own team will jump at any misgivings towards their teams, its a natural thing to do, just make sure there is no shit on your finger before you start pointing it at people…

  19. lol I'm going to be honest with you..there is no fanbase in sport as delusional, idiotic, and more out of touch with reality than hab fans. The fact that you see nothing wrong in involving the POLICE in ON ICE HOCKEY MATTERS says it all. You people are nuts. When Kostopolous ended Van Ryans career with a boarding hit from behind at the ACC 4 years ago did Leaf fans call the police? Kostpolous was a hab by the way. And no they didn't call the cops. You're all babies in quebec.

  20. you this that was the first time a criminal investigation was done or threatened to be done? your ignorance and belief that players are only acountable to the leagues sanctions is unparalleled lol by ur logic baseball players shouldnt be tried criminally for taking drugs? get the fuck outta here with that bullshit, habs fans are passionate yes, so are any other fan of any other team INCLUDING the leafs lol specially them actually, again stop spewing ur nonsense and point ur shit finger elsewhere

  21. Do you really believe the shit you post or are you on medication? Can you rememebr the last time a hockey play warranted jail time? Maybe Mcsorley got charged, I can't remember, but since then Montreal has tried to press criminal charges against Chara and threatened sponsorship pullouts. I pointed out kostpolous career ending cheap shot on Van Ryan and you have nothing to say about that? Why? Because Kostopolous was a FUCKING HAB? Put the cops on hold and shove that phone up your ass.

  22. do you understand hockey? gallagher is fearless and will go to any spot on the ice to make a play, against anyone. watch some games that he plays and then make the call, bud. my guess is that you are a flyers fan that thinks someone is a pussy because they go down after a cheap shot from behind…smart. but not surprising.

  23. @gakman41 LMAO " I'm a b's fan were as tough as our team" HAHAHA WHAT A LOSER ! Oh boy either your some immature 10 year old or a loser alcoholic who beats his wife. You degenerate

  24. You guys make me laugh.. "He barely hit him" 99.9% of you hear never played triple letter hockey, you have no fucking clue what it's like going in a corner against a 230 pound guy and have him crush you. It fucking hurts especially if your one third his bunch of noobs

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