@Seattle Kraken

Juraj Slafkovsky on Shane Wright Going First Overall (2022 NHL Draft) #nhl

Interview conducted by the NJ Devils


  1. Juraj seems to have more development upside than Shane . But Shane is a center and Habs will probably go there …If both players were wingers it would be a different equation …

  2. If I was this guy I'd prefer to go to NJ over Montreal, and play on the top line with Hughes. It makes more sence for Montreal to draft Wright seen as how they need a centre.

  3. Juro bude draftova jednotka. A jednoznačne si to zasluzi . A reci ze Montreal nieje tím pre neho ze by mal ísť radšej lahsou cestou cez new jersey sú sracky. Juro je budúca hviezda nhl a presadil by sa aj v klube akým je Montreal. Presadil by sa v ktoromkoľvek klube v nhl. Stačí co ukazuje posledné 2 roky a ten progres aký ukázal behom posledných par mesiacov na svetových turnajoch .Wright nikdy medzi mužmi nehral . Nikto nemôže vedieť ako zvládne ten prechod.a v tíme s wrightom hra aj mato chromiak a bodovo boli v tejto sezóne na tom totožne. Ale stále je to juniorka a možno medzi mužmi sa nechyti..Zatiaľ čo Juraj dominuje aj medzi mužmi!!!a to je ten rozdiel. A markantny.

  4. I dont understand the hype, this dude produced less than so many other top picks in Liiga last season. Good in world tho.

  5. Shane Wright is more like Kopitar, Draisaitl, Bergeron, Crosby etc. Slaf is more like Ovi. Wright is better.

  6. Pekne ho škvarili novinari, inak v 18 rokoch takto odpovedat v anglictine klobuk dole ! Vynasiel sa na kazdu otazku …

  7. i love him already this kid got raised the right way… he ate humble pie for dinner and he will be a great asset for the habs for many years to come so excited to watch him play next season.

  8. "Thats what he thinks"
    Unfortunately the teams that picked first, second and third disagreed.
    Wright didn't see that one coming.

  9. Not that I'm comparing Shane Wright to Nail Yakupov whatsoever in terms of how they will turn out, but his attitude does seem similar…

  10. Habs fans are NUMBER ONE HOMERS. They were sucking him off and ready for him to finish on them and now they hate him 😂 L

  11. I don't doubt that Wright will be a star for Seattle, but I think that Habs fans will be happy with Slafkovsky becoming a leader for Montreal

  12. This didnt Age well … 😂 shane wright playing on 2nd line getting powerplay time & creating plays & taking shots … slafkovsky cant even skate in a straight lime or keep the puck on his stick for 5 secondes 😂

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