@Philadelphia Flyers

[Jeff Neiburg] Ivan Provorov said a few interesting things about his time in Philadelphia this morning after Columbus went through its morning skate:

[Jeff Neiburg] Ivan Provorov said a few interesting things about his time in Philadelphia this morning after Columbus went through its morning skate:

by upcan845


  1. TwoForHawat

    Man, that’s a whole lot of words to waste when he could’ve just summed it up with a crying face emoji.

  2. Icecube3343

    There’s probably some merit to what he’s saying- I’m pretty interested to see what he does in a new system

  3. I_think_therefore

    I’m very immature. I see “rimming” and giggle.

    But yeah, the style of play over the last few years has been a little uncreative and uninspired.

  4. ClearSightss

    Yeah I agree with most of what Provy said. Probably not the best fit during his time here and play style

    I hope he finds new life in Columbus.

  5. That’s a fair assessment. It does seem like rimming it off the boards was often the first choice for our defensemen. I would like to see better transitional offense and better support from the centers.

  6. Provy might absolutely be correct in his criticisms of the systems that the Flyers have had over the past few seasons – don’t really think that’s up for much debate. I think it’s a bit of a “chicken or the egg” problem in that, I just don’t think Provorov has shown enough offensive creativity with enough consistency to be considered that kind of guy.

    We’ll see if he actually has a good few seasons with Columbus if this truly impacted his play. But it must be said that an uptick might happen regardless because he won’t be used as a #1 defenseman with a “long minutes, shut down” type of role which he clearly wasn’t the right guy for (despite what Provy thinks). I really think it’s a case of Provy not being able to have one (systematic flexibility, offensive freedom) and the other (play 22+ minutes a night against the other team’s top players) simultaneously. He’s no Makar.

  7. Steppyjim

    I don’t buy anything. Provorov is one of those guys who buys his own hype. He’s been garbage on the pp and not great as a first pair but he doesn’t respond well to criticism or being moved around a lineup. The guy never looks inwards. It’s always the coaches or fans or media or whatever. You can totally get away with ego, but you have to have the star talent to back it up, and I don’t think Provorov has that gear in him.

    He may prove me wrong but I think he disappoints big time in cbj. I wish him luck, but If they’re looking at him to be an anchor they’re in trouble

  8. Kind of hard to play up tempo, dynamic, skilled system when your skilled, dynamic, up tempo players are: [stares blankly into the ether…]

  9. wholelottafeds

    Yea believe it or not when the league is the most skilled it’s ever been guys don’t wanna play fkn dump and chase hockey. We haven’t made a good coaching hire since Lavy in 2009.

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