@Colorado Avalanche

Wearing this over my jersey for every game we attend this year

So this is a fucked up situation that players can’t show their support on the ice. After talking about it with my girlfriend and some of our friends,, we decided we’re wearing these over our jerseys for the games we go to this year. We want to invite yโ€™all to do the same, if you’d like to. That is all.

by mjavon


  1. ZookeepergameHot5642

    This gay fan appreciates your advocacy ๐Ÿคœ๐Ÿค›

  2. While i get your point, and agree with it. I think the decision they have made is the right decision, i think these kinds of “issues” (which wouldn’t be issues if people butted out of other people’s businesses) actually have the ability to screw a team over and ruin the “locker room” If 2-3 players are against it (for whatever reason, religious etc) but the rest are, and they bully these 2-3 into “supporting something they are against” it’s going to make those few players not play as well, not feel like part of the team, and could impact the entire reason the team actually exists…. to win the cup. My view on this applies to all teams btw, and all “controversial” issues, LGBT, Anti-Vax, or any other partisan that shouldn’t really be partisan issues.

  3. ryankhuyton

    It’s not like most teams were putting their money where their mouth is. At the end of the day, as cool as the specialty jerseys are, it is just another marketing gimmick that puts money into the pockets of the owners.

    At the end of the day, Pride tape or not, its really just about how everybody treats each other.

  4. COphotoCo

    I think teams should make the official team undershirts rainbow so every locker room/hallway interview is covered in rainbows

  5. Upvotes_LarryDavid

    Wait that thing costs $8.99 and you paid another $8.99 on top of that for shipping?!

  6. FYI thatโ€™s gonna be really tight. Itโ€™s tight just on skin. Let alone on a layered jersey.

  7. GunGooser

    Why does everything have to be covered in rainbows? Time and a place.

  8. sealedjustintime

    While I support what you’re going for, wearing a soccer captain’s armband over a hockey jersey is going to be an…interesting look.

  9. I wish people would just leave politics/personal beliefs out of sports.

    Im not a bigot i just miss the days when sports were just sports.

  10. McJiggiez69

    Wow, really putting it all on the line. You’re a modern day Jesus. You brave, brave hero

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