@National Hockey League

Should this be a penalty?

Should this be a penalty?

by StopOffsideReviews


  1. Sisboombah74

    Shouldn’t have confronted him. Should have waited until his head was down then taken him out.

  2. Assumption-Straight

    Technically interference. Check without the puck around them.

  3. averagecucklord

    Interference call. Can’t even use the “was going for a line change” excuse

  4. TalithePally

    If anyone possibly thinks it’s not interference, they’re insane

  5. myfaceaplaceforwomen

    In what world is this not a penalty? Tf

  6. FoxMan1Dva3


    Dude doesn’t have the puck. Looks like he just came off the bench lol. He gets hit. You’re in slow motion so it’s even worse but regardless it’s a clear 2 min penalty

  7. The2econdSpitter

    What’s the debate? It’s a clear interference. No?

  8. BuddhaBarkov

    people watching a slow motion video of a player not ready to be hit

    ItS a DiVe!

    i hope marcus foligno “barely hits” you. Its still a aolid shoulder to chest contact on a player not really bracing himself for contact

  9. jfazz_squadleader

    This type of shit is why I’m mad that they resigned Moose. Sure, he plays hard and that’s good to have during playoffs, but if you’re constantly taking stupid penalties like this, it makes it difficult to even get into the playoffs. Last year the Wild had one of the worst PK+PP percentages in the NHL, both not equaling 100% when added together, and it really hurt our chances of advancing. Even though the PP already looks better, playing shorthanded constantly due to penalties like this isn’t a sustainable way to win games.

  10. ColdRoller52

    Puck is nowhere in sight, how is this even a question?

  11. TinaBelchersBF

    Did he go down a little easy? Yeah, I think you could argue that.


    But also, maybe don’t randomly hit a dude completely away from the play right in front of their bench lol. It’s definitely a penalty.

  12. waitareyou4real

    LOL Foligno raising his hands being, oh what ? What did I do? Is so funny

  13. FloweringSkull67

    Moose is going to be an issue on this team for 4 more fucking years… he’s been on a severe downward trend since Ek was released from dragging him and Greenway up and down the ice.

    He’s a clown who does stupid shit for “olde skool hockey.” It’s dumb.

  14. LogieThePerogie

    Wtf you think this is not a penalty tf you asking

  15. fdisfragameosoldiers

    I mean there was no puck in sight yeah it’s the very definition of interference.

  16. BigThunderousLobster

    Yes, obviously. The puck isn’t even in the frame of the video.

  17. Numerous_Resist_8863

    It’s been a penalty in the NHL for at least 15-20 years at this point…

  18. Yes. Absolutely. No puck in sight, clearly no desire to gain an advantage to get the puck. Interference all day.

  19. goodbye9hello10

    Yes? Interference? Roughing? Unsportsmanlike?

  20. dudelermcdudlerton

    Definitely. It should be 2 minutes for anyone who doesn’t keep their mouth guard in their mouth.

  21. Diggitydave76

    Shocking, Marcus Foligno being Marcus Foligno.

  22. jiiimmyplayz

    Naaaaah man he was just playing around🤣 that’s no penalty

    (Ok I’m just saying that to mess with people because I’m a wild fan, yes it should be one😭)

  23. Hyenas-in-NJ

    Generalizing – it’s like every time I see the Wild they’re always doing something dirty

  24. Doorway_Sensei

    Definitely a penalty, but gotta hit him harder than that if you’re gonna do it.

  25. boardinghousepie

    It should be a penalty unless you want to see interference the entire game

  26. Fair_Shake_For_aDad

    As a Referee, this is a must call. It is interference, it’s prohibiting the possible line change and most importantly, it was witnessed by the whole bench, who knows it’s a call. Not calling this, you would lose control of that bench and the entire game for that matter. A retaliation for a non-call is the path to lost control.

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