@Boston Bruins

Craig Smith misses an empty net… on a breakaway 11.17.2011



  1. @LaughingOutKraut if you read the score board Nashville 3 – Toronto 1 in the 3rd with 1:22 left toronto would of pulled their goalie for extra attacker. common hockey knowledge.

  2. @GSkillz098 I see, thanks. I'm not hesitating to say that I don't know shit about hockey. It's not very popular in Germany (maybe that's because we suck at it).

  3. Shows you how stupid American commentators are, at end of vid he says "did they rule it offside to begin with?"… Clearly he ripped it over the glass in the offensive zone which qualifies for a face off outside the zone.. FACEPALM to the Nashville player and their commentator.

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