@Pittsburgh Penguins

DK’s Daily Shot of Penguins: Howdy partners?

Marcus Pettersson, Ryan Graves seeing different results in early meshing with elite partners.

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ABOUT US ► DK Pittsburgh Sports is the proud, pioneering, fully independent venture begun in 2014 by award-winning columnist Dejan Kovacevic and featuring a professional staff covering the Steelers, Penguins and Pirates year-round and everywhere they go! This is where it all started!


  1. Thanks for responding to my question this episode. I’ll tell you one thing, unlike other Pittsburgh sports teams (ahem, the pirates), it’s so nice seeing some penguins players such as o’Connor and especially pettersson, actually PROgress in front of our eyes, instead of regress. Pettersson isn’t perfect in any stretch, but more often than not he always makes the right hockey play or at least puts in the effort needed for each play. Hopefully we can see Graves work just as hard to blend into this D core. Letang can’t be the easiest to play with all the time.

  2. Being fast is great but being efficient is better. Cutting angles with proper vision is its own kind of speed that just being fast can miss but having it all doesnt hurt lol

  3. Doc-eller-accari sounds great to me, where do i sign up. I disagree with playing more like harkins . In the fact that he doesnt have any cohession with his line. He seems like a one man line when he has the puck and that leaves his line mates out of position or trying to figure out what he is going to do. Time may fix this. I just see harkins as a 4th liner and management didnt want to lose him back to the peg, so hes getting ice time. I also dont want to see him on pp2. DOC should get a shot there with rust, smith and others who will elevate his game.

  4. Dk here’s a question is it weird I’m a massive Steeler fan/pirate fan and I can’t really stand to watch hockey(too boring for me)I try jeez do i try…but I kinda live through the penguins through your daily shows and I find the way you articulate words super interesting

  5. I'm hoping if the bottom six continue to not produce offensively, some shak ups will happen by Kyle & Sully? Do you think DK that if this issue doesn't get fixed Sully would make the NEEDED changes?? I don't think Dubas would hesitate. Always listening DK.

  6. With the new players we got to give them some time to learn how couch Sully wants them to play anto figure there line mate's. But one thing is foresure is Carfers needs to be sitting up in the press box with you Dk. Not on the ice….

  7. i jumped off the Letang train years ago. His offensive numbers dont make up for his defensive lapses. Just look at his numbers last year on the top pair. They are abhorrent. Now that we have a top level offensive d-man i think Le-turnovers play is going to be exposed for what it is.

  8. Hey DK…I;m with you re the having lots of talent/skills and how that can often backfire. Sometimes being very creative and thinking of many options leads to UE's (unforced errors) resulting in turnovers and scores against..Malkin is a classic example of that. Sullivan has his hands full trying to get a good balance of not wanting to stop players from being creative and being responsible/disciplined. Crosby is one of the very few with uber talent and options who is also very responsible…he really is unique/special in that respect I think.

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