@New Jersey Devils

Brendan Smith Hockey IQ How to take a hit in the NHL March 13 2012

Brendan Smith takes the hit and knocks down Colin Fraser on the same Play


  1. He had a similar hit on Brown as well from Friday's game… The funny part is the Wings weren't credited for a hit in this period, they must have gave this one to Fraser lol. Looks like the Blue Jackets hit guy works for the Kings too.

  2. @triplexxxsatyr HEY MAN LETS GET SOMETHING STRAIGHT RIGHT HERE AND NOW. Larry Murphy gets super drunk every single game he works, and you can even see the progression over each period. One thing that you NEVER have the right to do is drag Ken Daniels's name through the mud with him. Mickey Redmond and Ken Daniels are some of the best sportscasters on the planet.

  3. Kronwall has the potential to be a great defenceman but he always goes for long streaks of doing really shitty before he steps up his game and I still think Smith is straight up better than him defensively

  4. I think Smith ends up better offensively but for at least right now, he's a far cry defensively. He just makes bad decisions sometimes. He can certainly improve on it though. He might not get the knockout hits Kronwall does but he does more than his part physically.

  5. Kronawall is an offensive defenceman, his shot and puck movement in the offensive zone are why he is good, he has never been known for making strong decisions on the back end. I have yet to see smith make a mistake with the puck even lidstrom said he's making good decisions

  6. I have seen smith do this a lot so far when someone is going to hit him he just hits back

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