@Columbus Blue Jackets

GOTTA SEE IT: Johnny Gaudreau Sets Up Tkachuk For 100th Point Of The Season

Watch as Calgary Flames forward Johnny Gaudreau sets up teammate Matthew Tkachuk for a goal to pick up his 100th point of the season becoming the first Flames’ player to reach the milestone since Theo Fleury in 1993.


  1. Letsss go Johnny hockey!!!! Its been 8 great years and you've finally done it. Let's go for 110

  2. I’m so glad I got to witness a Flame score 100 points in a season. I really hope we keep Johnny beyond this season

  3. I can’t see how they don’t keep Gadrau and I don’t see why Gadrau wouldn’t want to stay with the flames. Calm down guys. I’m almost positive he’s getting re signed.

  4. I remember when flames fans wanted to trade him. Lol shows u how much they recognize greatness. They also traded Iggy so i guess its not that surprising.

  5. This was a great game. I think the kraken blew it when they pulled the goalie at the end. They are a very tactical team so i think they would have had a good chance in 3v3 OT. But either way it was a sick game with a sick come back. And im really glad i got to watch Gaudreau make it to 100!

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