@Toronto Maple Leafs

We want …. Boston!

Really sick of seeing every other team saying “still want Florida?” – on the night we beat Tampa, I was in front of Union Station and “we want Boston” is all I heard.
If there’s any other narrative, maybe if we actually played Boston we would have made it to the Conference final…Boston screwing us again? Anyway GLG

by musebrews


  1. krazykanuck

    In the arena on tv all you could hear was “we want Florida”

  2. Comfortable_Bend9175

    Careful this goes against the reddit narrative, they need something to clown on us about

  3. Thespud1979

    I think at this point we embrace evil Leafs fan base. Fuck Florida and their donkey brained fans.

  4. mikesully374826

    I said the night we won that we needed Boston, needed the hype to continue and not die. Can’t go a week thinking we have an easy opponent.

    I fully think we would’ve beat the Bruins and felt we would’ve lost to Florida.

  5. theguyishere16

    Im convinced the media has successfully 1984’d the Leafs with the “We want Florida” thing. They pushed the Florida narrative hard while burying the other side of the story to a point now that only the Florida side exists in the minds of many.

    “Oceania has always been at war with Eurasia”

  6. Nearby_Carpenter_984

    Fuck Boston fuck Florida fuck Tampa and fuck mtl too

  7. couldbeworse2

    Well, whatever you wanted, you got what you got.

  8. Alternative timeline If we had Boston “the curse is over” the leafs are finally Stanley cup champions since 1967″ – Chris Cuthbert”

  9. No-Swordfish4720

    It does matter what team they play in the playoffs. They lose no matter what.

  10. dolphin_spit

    lol i was there that night and heard “we want boston” more than florida. can’t fight the memes though, as soon as people had that clip that was all they needed. nobody would be interested in hearing both sides, and can’t really blame them. it’s just the way people are.

  11. Nah, we wanted Florida.

    Seeing them send Boston to game 7 hell was fun until the karma kicked us in the ass.

  12. buddachickentml

    I was saying during tonights game ” didn’t the Leafs beat Tampa before Florida beat Boston?”. And I believe they did. So fans would have been saying we want Boston, thinking Bos would win. To get revenge

  13. I’m honestly impressed that Floridians can remember things at all.

  14. chyler1397

    Every time a team wins a series the crazed fans shout “We Want XXXX!” and every time that team loses to XXXX and every time every other fanbase makes fun of them for it. At some point either find something else to chant or those teams need to actually produce.

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