@New York Rangers

Patrik Elias Shorthanded Goal – 10/22/2011

Devils at Penguins. Elias scores while he should be serving a penalty. Petr Sykora is in the penalty box instead.


  1. I couldn't stand watching this game. Bob Errey saying bad things about NJ, and praising PIT like they win the cup every year. Should fire him ASAP.

  2. No one to blame here but the refs for screwing up. Though Sykora did admit to intentionally going to the box and he apologized to the ref after the game. At any rate, the hockey gods noticed and the Penguins scored 3 more times after. 🙁

  3. Zdá se mi to nebo to prostě dal normálka 1na1?.. nic extra mi to nepříjde i tak samozřejmě klobouk dolů..

  4. ByMaxPayne: Jde o to, že Eliáš byl vyloučen chvíli před tím gólem. A najednou o pár vteřin později střílí branku. Na trestné lavici místo něj seděl totiž Sýkora.

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