@Pittsburgh Penguins

Tristan Jarry Slashed Laughton, Flyers vs Penguins Scrum Ensued

Tristan Jarry not happy with Scott Laughton’s hit on him after the whistle which resulted in a scrum.
#NHL #Flyers #Penguins

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  1. "This is the penguins vs flyers we've come to know and love." Bro wtf are you smoking? There hasnt been any animosity in this rivalry since 2011. Not knocking either team but the entire league has become less physical across the board.

  2. That was such a BS penalty, considering everything else that happened leading to it, and then following afterwards.

  3. And you wonder why soccer has surpassed hockey. Fucking refs get worse and worse and league changes rules so often. League is becoming a joke. Except the players. They rock

  4. Being a Rangers fan since the time of the 6 team league I strongly dislike both teams on the other hand being a hockey fan I always find it a great game to watch as I can sit back and hope they knock the heck out of each other……drop the puck.

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