@Columbus Blue Jackets

This is a scumbag hit and needs to be punished

In tonight’s Calgary Flames and Columbus Blue Jackets game Rasmus Anderson levied a late and dirty hit against Patrick Laine. We’ll discuss on today’s NHL hockey video!


  1. Normally I’d agree with you, but a couple of factors to consider, definitely not a late hit as it’s a follow through, Laine should know that. Second size difference is there between the two, Anderson isn’t a big defender, laine here is crouched trying to get through to shoot the puck. Only fault/dirty thing I see is the lead with the elbow.

  2. If this was back in 2000 and it was Scot Stevens giving the hit, he would be taken out in a coffin 😅 while I love hard hits in hokey, this not the way or time for this, as a pro he needs to do better.

  3. Looks like he tries to soften it up a bit. Laine has a lower position that's why it takes bad. Bit reckless of him.Needs to get head injuries away so maybe a suspension.

  4. I'm no Flames fan but this analysis is total BS! Not even worth pointing out all the ways in which it is wrong. I could write a book FFS! Might I suggest you become a fan of bowling?? Only the pins get hit in that!

  5. Dude, nobody leaves their feet in the NHL. They jump, they leave the ice or you can say thet their skates leave the ice.

  6. 5-10 games? Lmao you are reaching. This hit isnt great but its no where near that bad, wont be shocked if its 1 game or nothing

  7. knowing the NHL they will probably give him a $1000 fine!
    This League is absolute garbage in my opinion when it comes to protecting the safety of the players.
    You can literally go head hunting and get 1-2, even 3 games. And if it was the playoffs , they always seem to give that stupid explanation " Oh if it was a regular season hit it would be equal to such and such games.
    George Parros being in charge of the P.D.O.S is absolutely a joke.

  8. Not what I'd call interference, it was right after the puck had left his stick…but aiming at the head, leaving your feet, and doing it when the game is pretty much over all indicate a lack of control, which is the root of so many dirty and unnecessary hits these days. Players need to adjust their habits and respect each other a little more.

  9. Why not half the season. This is the sort of crap that ruins hockey. Give him 41 games and half his salary and youd stop seeing this shit

  10. You can see that the puck was right there for poke check but Andersson went for the head??

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