@Anaheim Ducks

Zucker hit leads to a small scrum on the board, referees let the play go on for the yotes but blow it dead when the ducks go on the rush

Zucker hit leads to a small scrum on the board, referees let the play go on for the yotes but blow it dead when the ducks go on the rush

by JustFred24


  1. WubbaLubbaDubDub184

    this league is such bullshit, somehow the refs are worse this year than they were last year

  2. Filmexec21

    I wish I was better at statistics than I am because I would really like to do a panel regression analysis to compare the number of penalties called on big market versus smaller market teams to compare what the potential favoritism is between the two.

  3. The refs have been making horseshit calls all game and calling nothing against the coyotes

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