@St. Louis Blues

Crosby shaken after Witkowski hits him from behind and into boards

Sidney Crosby would be slow to get up after Luke Witkowski hit him from behind and into the boards.


  1. Drives him into boards, no penalty yet people still say the league favors sid.

  2. All of you people complaining about this nothing play would faint if you ever watched a game before the 04 lockout.

  3. He pushes him, but he doesnt take his hands and stick away from touching Crosby's back. This should barely be a 2 minute penalty. Dont know why all these idiots in the comments here are up in arms about every time a guy touches someones back. He barely pushes Crosby

  4. Where's all the people that when a dirty hit happens say "if it happened to Crosby the player would get a game misconduct and a ten game suspension"?

  5. The slo mo they show looks pretty bad, but that cross check in full speed really isnt that bad. not a Tampa fan but you see that check 25 times a game on the forecheck. Crosby is an elite skater and came back to score a cpl. He's fine, just looking to whine and cry but that's Crosby for ya

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