@Vancouver Canucks

Patrick Johnston on what Canucks should do with Myers, Garland trade, neutral zone under Tocchet

Patrick Johnston stops by to talk about what the Canucks can do with Myers, the trade scenarios with Garland, what can be expected from Friedman, and Rick Tocchet’s style of play through the neutral zone.

Presented by Jason.Mortgage (

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  1. If Canucks throw away another 2nd rounder again to alleviate the cap situation, I'll say that's not gonna alleviate the fans anger that's for sure!

  2. When you're 6'8" (at least 7'2" or more in skates) you can't make quick changes of direction on skates and when your hockey stick is heavier than everyone else's it's hard to move it fast. You're not necessarily a slow skater when you're that big, especially after a few strides, but expecting fancy edgework on their feet is ridiculous. I think it all started going wrong when you had Green try to get lumbering oxen like him and Gudbranson to jump up into the play more and be more dynamic skaters, which they're not capable of doing. There's this idea that if a player 6'4" can be physically dominating than a guy who is 6'8" must be even better.

  3. I've said it many times, we all want Garland to score more often but he can still be an effective everyday player without scoring.

  4. There were opportunities in the summer to move Myers and didn't do it. They're a better team without him. Addition by subtraction

  5. Myers simply isn't good enough to play in this league. too soft for his size, to many defensive zone giveaways, bone headed penalties , cant block shots, no handeye coordination when in front of the net to deflect passes. and his ENTIRE game revolves around sitting back and trying to weather the offensive attack and its awful to watch every single game. hes got to go!

  6. Get these three together for an interview and you get 20 minutes of just ripping the Canucks. Every. Single. Time.

  7. Who was the last canucks defensmen who through a big hit????? Who dropped the gloves???? the D is not tuff and need a girthy thick hard D mean jerks.

  8. Myers hockey IQ is abismal.. He seems to become dumber every year. Not only is he slow, he's terrible at reading the play. He has some good moments, but most of the time he's out of position or giving pucks away. He also gets in the way of his team mates, even breaking up their plays to the detriment of his own team. He's a bottom dweller now.

  9. Garland and Myers to Nashville for fabroo and a 7 round picked 2024 Nashville getting Myers losing fabroo Garland for 7 round picked from Nashville no retained called up mcward equal trade

  10. This is Jim Benning screw ups that left us in this spot! The current management is slowly making good trades to improve this team with what we have! Garland, OEL, and Myers were Benning gaffes and shouldn't be put on the current regime!

  11. Free up cap to sign another 7th dman who shoots right. Its a skipping record with Alvin and the chipmunks. Put Myers in Abbotsford no Nhl team would take him. Trade Petey if you want the stud dman.

  12. I am no longer angry at Myer's complete incompetence as an NHL'er. I am now totally focused on how angry I am at Canucks' MANAGEMENT for STILL LETTING THIS GUY BE ON THE ROSTER, and being allowed to play NHL games for Vancouver. The 1st 4 games have been SO HORRENDOUS, how could ANYONE not see the complete worthlessness of this person taking space on the Canucks side of the ice? I don't understand why… WHY ????, they continue to let Myers play… ????? ANYONE, from the press box, or Abbotsford, or A FORWARD playing D, even!!!, would be better than Myers has been (for several years now, but unbelievably, almost inconceivably, IT'S ONLY STILL GETTING WORSE!). CANUCKS' MANAGEMENT: STOP THE INSANITY! face-fuchsia-tongue-out (Jeez, I mean, HOW MANY GOALS AGAINST, in the early part of this season, have been a DIRECT CONSEQUENCE of Myers SITTING ON HIS OWN TEAMMATES, taking not only himself, BUT ANOTHER CANUCK, out of the play?!? And on and on and on… Ugh).

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