@Buffalo Sabres

Sabres Show Up To Play In This One – Postgame Thoughts

We can all breathe a little bit better tonight after the Sabres finally gave us a 60 minute effort as they look convincing in this one..thanks for watching and see you all soon 🙂
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‘Khatchaturian Sabre Dance’ was licensed and purchased from Audio Micro (License #U269T3409)


  1. Tonight, that team beats any team in the NHL. We finally played a complete 60 mins. Controlled all zones tonight. EC was a brick wall tonight. Mitts is underrated. Mitts is definitely turning into a 2 way beast. Mitts makes every line better he skates with. Tuch dropping the gloves 😎

  2. Mixing the lines definitely worked tonight. Well done, HCDG . The boys looked great. EC was SOLID…….Total team win tonight !!!!!!!!

  3. Was a very very good game. Great compete and great defensive play. Mittelstadt, Cozens and Skinner pretty much look like they continued right off from last season. They have been great! Comrie was outstanding, all praise to him! The last goal against was a shame as Comrie deserved to have a 1.000GAA. I also will hand it to the refs. They for the first game this season they didn't make a terrible call. Montreal next….

  4. i was going to be pissed if they came out in the third and just turtle'd / let off the gas but instead i got the most complete game effort i've seen out of the Sabres yet. Great win and a hell of a game from Comrie.

  5. What we needed we got! Thank god lol. How about JJ Peterka and Casey Mittelstadt?! Them kids can skate and we’re all over the ice tonight! Loved seeing cozens along side Thompson and greenway. Three towers of men. Comrie really showed he may need to be the backup for the time being. I’d even play him Monday. Anyways I feel like I can relax a little. Go Sabres

  6. The Erik Johnson signing will be beneficial throughout this season for the Sabres.
    Playing a sound defensive team game, physicality, good team possession #s, face-off effectiveness & solid goaltending are areas the Sabres struggled with last season. Johnson is definitely pointing these things out to the team.

  7. That’s the key point right there: “60 minute game!” Sabres smothered them and kept going. Full marks

  8. That's like the third or fourth goal of the season of our own men in our own net is this a problem? And some of the other games we've had lots of turnovers but tonight 60 full full minutes look real good out there

  9. Great team defense! They attacked beautifully and defended beautifully all game. A great two way game. They finally broke the Islanders down and attacked through the middle. I believe we saw the opposite of last game. They covered the front of the net in the D zone with at least 2-3 players and then finally attacked in front of the islanders net instead of staying on the perimeter. Comrie didn’t get left out to dry. Great passing and great chemistry. If they keep playing like that they will make the playoffs. Let’s see them play like this against the Rangers, Hurricanes, Leafs, and Bruins. And how about that penalty kill. Damn!

  10. Everyone looked ready tonight and let us not forget it took Sammy almost the whole season last year to get #1

  11. Good win. Need to keep it together. I Hate how worried we were coming into this game. Glad to walk away with a strong win. I would play comrie again, he looked good this game

  12. Comrie has been looking better in the preseason and this game. I hope he keeps it up and we finally get a real goalie tandem. Then just wave upl

  13. That was the Buffalo everyone expected after last season's end. Everyone played a part tonight. Comrie deserved the shutout after some big saves and it took an absolute fluke to beat him. Now they need to keep it up. Great effort in the Goat again. 😊

  14. It's just getting started, we've got guys who are on the verge of exploding! You can feel it with Tage and with JJ! Mitts' playmaking has been dynamic! Go Sabre's!

  15. So glad I tuned in, I almost decided not to watch after the effort/performances in the first 4 games. I thought they might do better without me. Great overall game, even though we need to remember that NY played the night before. Tage was all over but just couldn't get one. Mitts and Coz were strong, Greenway solid again. He may be our best penalty killer. Comrie was great, wish we could have got the shutout for him.

  16. im a little worried the game couldnt just run down and sabres won 3-0 no drama.. instead they let in that flubber puck, and all of a sudden, they pull the goaltender and you get a little nervous
    islander play the day before, and it showed i think, there was no other options than winning this game. still a bunch of question marks on forward depth to dictate games offensively.

  17. This was the game I've been waiting to see them play. This is what I think we all knew they could do, and when they weren't it was frustrating and concerning. This was Sabres hockey and it feels good to see them play the way we all know they can.

  18. Casey was a huge difference maker last night. Last season he really turned the corner and hopefully he can keep it going! Comrie played very well. Good for him !! Absolutely agree about finding their game and stringing wins together. Let's see how that plays out!

  19. This is the Sabres hockey we need every game. Only issue I see is that the Isles played a hard game the night before, but I honestly don't think it mattered much. Lets keep it going Monday. I also think they need a black version of the original jerseys. Is there one already? And you're correct about Johnson getting the cup 1st from Landeskog. Getting him was a great move.

  20. It would be great if they can take this winning formula & stack some wins, my takes on the game – 1.Peterka is one of the most powerful skaters in the league. 2. I hoped Levi learned some things from a veteran goaltender on positioning and control. 3. Nice to see Tage a little angry about not getting the punk in the net. At times in the past he would be to passive. 4. Kudos to Olie, after sitting he came out and skated well and made some plays.

  21. I've been a critic about the lack of toughness on the Sabre's team but I like when I'm proven wrong from time to time such as last night when Tuch went after the Islander's player who cheap-shotted Skinner. Awesome gesture and some impressive punches thrown by Tuch!

  22. Wow Comrie looked light out tonight, pretty dominant preference all around(AND ALL THE WAY THROUGH, ALL 60 MINUTES) from the boys, great team win. Comrie keeps this up and UPL is as good as gone. I like our boys continuing to stand up for one another and bullying gone against our smaller guys(or stars) doesn't go unpunished.

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