@Nashville Predators

Milan Lucic fights Mark Borowiecki 12/13/14 60fps

Milan Lucic fights Mark Borowiecki after a borderline hit from behind and possible elbow on December 13, 2014.


  1. Lucic turns his back to the d-man and is surprised to get hit. Emelin did the same thing to Lucic a few games ago. It's a very weird trend. Players don't want to get hit and put themselves in bad situations.

  2. oooooooo. wrecked! Why doesn't anybody ever call these hits from behind when it's on Looch?! this has happened multiple times before and he's had to take it into his own hands each time. Might not be so lucky next time.

  3. My god how stupid some of these commentators are! Hate, hate, hate and hate. Nice way to go ignorant fucks.

  4. If you don't want to fight him, don't go cheap-shotting him. You see that #17 in the back of the jersey and still go for a hit like this? You're just asking to get your shit handed to you.

  5. It's amazing how many people always hate on Milan and say he's this or that…But bottom line he's the best a Power forward in the NHL and one of the toughest fighters in the league…And every G.M would love this guy on their team and believe me that is true.

  6. Kings fan but I love Lucic. My favorite thing on any Bruin video is how everyone says they are dirty. You act like your team is perfect and does nothing wrong. Very sad

  7. Any individual calling Lucic a pussy or insulting him does not know shit about the sport. I always retaliated to cheap shots when I played…and stood up for myself and my teammates!!! The kid plays with his heart. Anyone that played puck at a serious level understands the emotions involved during the game. Disregard keyboard warriors. 

  8. Why do camera men veer away from the action? He just caught a hit from behind, and an elbow and could see the fight was forming but he stuck to the puck? I know that's what he should do seeing as play might carry on, but it was evident that it wasn't! I hate missing the start of fights because of stupid camera men, real simple stuff!

  9. No ref is going to call it because of the perception of Lucic around the league, but that was a really dirty hit. Took his forearm and drove Lucic's head right into the boards at speed. Kind of surprising he didn't get a concussion. Could've been very seriously injured on that hit.

    Also, BS that they didn't call it. I know what the perception of Lucic is, but a penalty is a penalty regardless of who it's against.

  10. Luch can fight but hes a huge baby lately. Boro's only 200 pounds for fuck sakes and he'll go anyone anytime. Godamn warrior.

  11. wow lucic cant take hit from smaller players so he decide to drop his gloves at the right moment

  12. Boro is a tough dude but Lucic is no fucking joke. He's got like 35 pounds on Boro and he punches with fucking bad intentions. He's not as tough now and he's also not as willing to fight now that he was knocked out and brought down to size a little bit. But I know that there are a lot of players in that league who aren't willing to fight Luch. I would love to see Wayne Simmonds and Milan Lucic go at it some time. What a fucking scrap that would be. Two of the toughest and most solid guys in the league.

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