@Edmonton Oilers

NHL Player Safety Got it Right (for once)

Nhl hockey calgary flames rasmus andersson patrik laine caused him to miss yesterday’s game for columbus blue jackets against minnesota, and andersson to skip the outdoor game 2023 heritage classic battle of alberta vs edmonton oilers . Let’s talk about the result of the play, how the story is developing and my thoughts. Publishing this just before the calgary flames vs detroit red wings game highlights which I will also probably cover so stay tuned for that and more nhl highlights today , hockey news and trade rumors , predictions and picks today , game recaps, reactions to funny mic’d up moments and more based on your requests. Nhl 2023
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  1. hopefully he misses the outdoor classic. Sucks to be him for doing a bonehead move
    He's lucky that it wasn't 5+ tbh

  2. If they do lower the penalty to 3 games then that sends a message too. Unless player safety gives a damn good explanation then it looks like player safety comes second to important games. If it uad been 3 from the beginning then ok but lowering it for the heritage is a bad look.

  3. I am all about my ABC’s (anybody but Calgary) and I am ok with not wanting this type of hit in the game and suspension for it. But unless there was rule changes that I am unaware of the Calgary player left the ice after contact which used to be considered ok as the contact could have been why he left the ice. His elbows seemed to stay fairly close to his body, ie not targeting the head but instead bracing for the hit. And if you have to get down to his level to hit him then is 99% of Chara’s hits considered illegal? Because I don’t think I ever saw him “get low” for a hit.
    Again I am not defending this play and am ok with it being gone but that Ovi hit on Karlson to me was the same as this hit except Karlson did a better job of protecting himself. If Karlson tried to duck the hit then it would have been the same hit. Hitter left the ice after contact, tho it was not targeted his head would have been hit.
    If one hit is a good big hit and the other is a 4 game suspension then all offensive players should learn to skate with head down to make themselves unhittable.

  4. Player injury should play no factor in the PS decisions on fines and suspensions.
    Lets hope this is a standard now set and will be up held until the Stanly Cup is held up.

  5. What a bunch of nonsense. In the old days we would call this a hockey play. Contact is the name of the game. Claude Lemieux used to make this kind of play for breakfast.

  6. He can eat it. Suspensions should NOT consider future opposition/spectacle games when they levy punishment. If they gave him 4 – it's 4. Maybe don't headhunt if you want to play your pond hockey game eh?

  7. Take away half their pay and sit em for half a year and I bet every player league wide will smarten tf up. In all seriousness though, that is attempted murder. Wanna throw like that, go join the UFC buddy.

  8. Seen far worse hits with far less punishment…. Laine had his head down and was stat padding, he only left feet after contact….

  9. If he appeals give him a 5th game.

    The suspension is completely warranted, it should have been at least 5. At this point his appeal would just be a grotesque thumbing of his nose at player safety on an already light suspension

    If he actually cared about the classic… he would not have been a dirty player.

    Yes I am a Calgary fan… but if I am gonna bag on other dirty players and plays, I gotta hold the players on my team just as accountable.

  10. ‘He was low, so I jumped from the ice"…What an idiot. Give him two extra games so he shuts his mouth

  11. Make it 20 game suspension. If players health actually is something league want to improve they need to give suspensions that actually matter. How much talent league wants to lose because of dirty plays? Concussions have ended or hidered too many careers.

  12. It would be total BS if they reduce the suspension just so he can play outside. He only has himself to blame.

  13. 1) If the league wants to get rid of these headshots, then it should be even MORE than 4 games.
    2) No, he doesn't leave his feet. His feet are still with him. His skates left the ice, or you can say his feet left the ice. At no time has any NHL player ever taken off his feet and left them somewhere.

  14. If the NHL wants to "send a message" then they won't bring it down to 3 games if he appeals. You don't get less jail time just because something cool that you don't want to miss is happening.

  15. Keep it at 4. Repeat offender of being a shit head and doesn't deserve the outdoor game. "mEsSaGe Is SeNt", hockey YouTube lmaooo.

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