@Boston Bruins

Tiger Woods is Schooled by Curtis Strange in 1996

Golf great Curtis Strange gives a naive Tiger Woods a valuable golf lesson on 08/28/96.


  1. Nicklaus and Norman had the same attitude as Tiger. You play to win, there is no Plan B.

  2. Curtis Strange won 19 Tournaments… Cool… TIGER WOODS HAS WON OVER 200 TOURNAMENTS WITH 82 OF THOSE COMING FROM THE PGA ALONE.. Dude won over 100 Tournaments by the age of FREAKING 11. His mom made him get rid of or sell the trophy's… SMH… Say what you want by my next statement but when has a White Athlete or White Male had to endure the mental strength a Black Male had to endure or endures to get to where they are up the ladder? This is the explanation to why most of the time when Blacks arrive in challenges we dominate or are highly competitive adversaries. NOT ALWAYS… BUT MOST OF THE TIME. It's the training, it's the being told you aren't good enough, it's the drive, it's the I have nothing to loose. IT BUILDS MONSTERS!!!!!!!!!

  3. Within two months of this interview Tiger had won 2 tournaments. Within one year he'd had 6 wins – one of which was the Masters. I'd say Woods schooled Strange.

  4. This is where Tiger took golf to another level. Later, Curtis Strange ate his words on TV.

  5. TIger essentially had the same mindset that Jordan had on the court. Sure, as strange said 2nd or 3rd place is "good enough" to pay the bills. But 1st place is good enough too. Those old white dudes on tour in the 1990s had never seen anything like Tiger.

  6. Tiger Woods was the most hated golfer in history 😂all because he was BLACK & AMAZING in a white mans sport. You love to see it 🔥

  7. Schooled him how? By attempting to degrade or discourage Tiger from his own beliefs? Well how'd that turn out???

  8. Tiger was cocky though, you have to admit…. Granted this was 27 years ago. If this happened in todays world I don’t think he would have been so cocky as he was then. Humility goes a lot further that cockiness these days….

  9. Take a look at this and the 1994 Venus Williams interview and ask yourself what's going on in both of these interviews.

  10. Tiger Woods was schooled??? Whoever titled this video is blind and cat hear. Because Tiger was the one to school Curtis Strange according to this video and then evidenced by Toger's track record. If the "you'll learn" comment was intentional, Curtis is a HATER and he's lucky to have even been in Tiger's presence. I wonder if the "You'll learn" comment was on his toungue to say, vs the joke he proclaimed it to be. Hmmm

  11. Crazy part is I believe this was low key racism as well with how divided the country clubs are especially back then… not to mention if y’all remember Tiger was drafted 1st overall pick by the African Americans, Tiger lost all his endorsements from the whites, and the Asians were sick about it but they managed to pick up Wu-Tang at pick 5 as their number 1 pick which ended up being a Franchise pick for them….so it worked out for each party in the end…

  12. Well that aged beautifully, hope Curtis will see this nowadays 😂😂😂

  13. 1. Who in the hell in Curtis Strange?
    2. What "valuable" lesson did he give to Tiger Wood? He won the game he said he was going to win.
    3. Did Golf Grouch even watch this video before uploading it?

    No wonder this video has 759 dislikes.

  14. Tiger seemed calm, passionate, and professional. Curtis Strange comes across as a bully. I bet when Tiger won, Curtis was like “damn, they’ll never let me interview anyone again….”.

  15. Never really liked that whole "Look kid! This is how it is around here…" routine, I'm glad Tiger told CURTIS the way it is, he was 100% right!

  16. Curtis was the one who learned from Tiger. Its 30 years later. Hes over in the Chesapeake bay area playing on his countey club every day while Tigers billion dollars takes him anywhere he wants. Are Curtis steanges kids going to be pro golfers?

  17. And in the 2016 interview, he still didnt back down. What an airhead. Just because tigers standard didnt align with his. He even mentioned "maybe i was wrong and you were right or were both right". This dumbass just doesnt learn. Its infuriating to see someone so shallow to be in a seat of power and interview people.

  18. Curtis was right to check him, and Tiger made a good response, and rose to the challenge throughout the course of his career. Good exchange 👍

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