@Columbus Blue Jackets

Bettman upholds Andersson’s four game suspension

Bettman upholds Andersson’s four game suspension

by doppleganger2621


  1. PromisedIWouldntPost

    lol get fucked Andersson, enjoy watching the Heritage Classic.

  2. sergei-boobtitsky

    Poor ‘wil guy won’t get to pway outside ):

  3. SomeKindOfMonster

    hahahahaha suck it, Andersson. He should get an extra game for losing the challenge

  4. He was never going to get it reduced. That hit in that situation was always going to get a severe punishment.

  5. TrailNickK

    I hope it’s the greatest Heritage Classic ever played and this tool just has to watch from home.

  6. willingplankton

    I will never boo Bettman again.

    For a year at least, anyway.

  7. Wow, Andersson really *is* just like us.

    He’s gonna be watching the game at home too. c:

  8. TTBurger88

    Awww someone is going to sitting in timeout while they miss out on the Heritage Classic. Good then maybe make better choices next time asshole.

  9. I particularly enjoyed Bettman’s report that states (with some paraphrasing): I’m not required to hold a hearing in this case, but I did to be nice.

  10. travisnotcool

    “In making this determination it is also important for me to note that I have given no weight to the NHLPA’s and Mr. Andersson’s argument that a reduction in Mr. Andersson’s could be justified, in whole or in part, by the fact that the suspension necessarily precludes his participation in the upcoming 2023 Tim Hortons Heritage Classic…” – Gary Bettman

  11. KamAndDrew

    Rasmus got lucky he didn’t get 10 games. That was a super dirty hit that put a man on IR, and could have caused serious long-term injury. Bettman needs to send a message that if you lead with an elbow to the head, then you will be punished. No Ice and No Pay. You suck, Andersson! Think about that shit for the next week. Then watch your back, motherfucker. It’s comin’ back to you.

  12. HermanBonJovi

    Should have been longer but I’m glad it was at least upheld.

  13. Patty is still out. Anderssons’ suspension should be however long Patty is out plus 2 games. I’ll be seriously pissed if Andersson is back to playing and the player he injured is still out. That’s not right at all.

  14. jeffwolfe

    He picked a bad time to make a bad hit. Right after it happened, I looked and couldn’t find any indication that he was a dirty player. And now both DPS and Bettman have said he’s not a dirty player. But it was a blatantly illegal hit, and deserved all of the four game suspension. I didn’t think Bettman would reveal that the appeal was all about the outdoor game, and he held off talking about it until the end of the ruling, but it’s clear from what he wrote that Andersson just wanted to play in the outdoor game and Bettman said, Nope. Four games is four games even if one of those games is outdoors. In conclusion: the best way to avoid getting suspended for the outdoor game is to avoid getting suspended at all.

  15. pickrunner18

    Should be out until Laine returns. It’s bullshit

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