@Tampa Bay Lightning

Some comments I saw on YouTube about the scrum after Paul’s goal last night

Some comments I saw on YouTube about the scrum after Paul’s goal last night

by itsyaboikawaiidesu


  1. itsyaboikawaiidesu

    Not trying to start shit or complain about people, just thought it was a bit amusing how people can see:

    A) The Captain of a team get jumped after a goal (HUGE NO NO)

    B) Player that shoved said Captain immediately try to turtle because he can’t handle repercussions for actions

    C) Players from both teams get penalized, however due to instigating a fight after a whistle AND a goal, one player gets one more penalty and misconduct

    D) Another player literally cursing out refs (75% chance on if you get an automatic misconduct in general for that)

    And then state that one team didn’t shoot itself in the foot, rather its the other team paying the refs.

  2. We were there watching Lemieux yelling at the ref. My buddy said to me, he better shut up or he’s gonna get a penalty too… and then like 2 seconds later sure enough, misconduct penalty lol. It was *obvious* from across the rink.

  3. Refs babying the Lightning is the funniest thing I’ve ever seen.

    During the last few years I can’t even use all my fingers and toes to count how many times our players have gotten hurt without a penalty being called.

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