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What can CUSA tell us about the future of Conference Realignment? CUSA part 2

Of all the division 1 FBS conferences to be affected by the bombshell realignment moves in NCAA sports, Conference USA might be the one who took the hardest hit. From 14 solid members to five and now to nine or ten, CUSA has done all it can to keep itself and its members afloat as a conference. But that hasn’t stopped speculation on where they could go from here.

As the conference with the most likely chance at expanding right now, CUSA has garnered eyes on its future moves, specifically pertaining to FCS programs it could pluck to further bolster its roster of teams. But the need for a G5 conference, especially one like CUSA, to even get to 12 members doesn’t feel as strong as it once did. If it does, though, the probable additions are all over the place. With realignment and growing conference size becoming the norm for NCAA conferences, can we learn something from CUSA’s potential next steps that might inform us on what the norm might be in the future?

As a speculatory video, the purpose of this essay isn’t so much to “inform” as much as it is to spurn discussion. The kickback goes to you, as the viewer—what do you think they should do? What response is necessary, if any? Is simply staying afloat at the FBS level reason enough to celebrate, given the fates seen by other G5 conferences in the past, like the WAC?


  1. 12:14 *its
    Let me know about the graphics on this one—too bright? Hard to look at? Should have gone blackboard the whole time?

  2. What if the CUSA becomes football-only FBS conference?

    Army, UMass, UConn, Liberty, Jacksonville State, FIU, Louisiana Tech, Sam Houston State, UTEP, Kennesaw State, Western Kentucky, Middle Tennessee, New Mexico State, SFA, Missouri State, Tarleton State.

  3. What about Sacramento State. It’s a little far but C USA getting into California would benefit the Conference.

  4. Tennessee State & Ncat are the only two HBCUs that could potentially become FBS this would be Tennessee State second time being FBS and ncat first

  5. I think you short-sold Eastern Kentucky. If Jacksonville St or Kenesaw State can make it, EKU could. I also hope Chattanooga can make the move.

  6. What about southern illinois? Way closer, not overly far from WKU, decent sports in the MVFC, Brings part of the Illinois (and maybe St Louis) market

  7. We have these three huge sprawling conferences covering exactly the same area, AAC, C-USA, and SBC. Wouldn't it make sense for them to create an alliance, and realign into three regional conferences? The American takes the Texas schools, Memphis, Tulane, Tulsa, and NMSU. The Sun Belt takes the southeast. The C-USA takes everyone north of ECU and in that case Army, UConn, and UMass wouldn't object to being football only in a more regional conference.

  8. I've wanted the best of those Midwest teams (Idaho, NDSU, North Dakota, South Dakota state, Montana, Sacramento State and whoever else is good) to make a football midmajor. The West, in general, feels kind of lacking in football because the Midwest never has a power, and the pac12 is gone soon.

  9. Very insightful and well-composed video, Lucas. You’ve done an excellent job of doing your homework when it comes to college sports conferences, and I’m looking forward to seeing more from you in the future. Keep up the great work! 👍👍

  10. Missouri state has tried working with the Sun Belt about joining. So far word of them possibly joining kinda stopped in early 2023

  11. I think Eastern Kentucky and McNeese are ones to watch over the next year or so as possible choices for CUSA.

  12. Along with Missouri State & Delaware, I think another school for C-USA to keep its eye on would be Eastern Kentucky, who stated a desire to move up to FBS.

  13. It will probably merge with another G5 conference in a shortsighted attempt to maintain relevance

  14. What about a video on the Dakota schools of a possible FBS move up and their future…
    Or looking at the NAIA in the Dakotas and all about that and their geographical issues with the North Star.
    Good stuff though!

  15. I don’t think the 5 million fee will not last long. The FCS schools looking to elevate will be mad and the NCAA will lower it to something more reasonable like 250-500k to capitalize on the money everyone wants to make

  16. I’ve heard rumors that Texas-Arlington will get a football team. Yes they’re in the WAC but I can see them going to C-USA also with MO St., Delaware and my big sleeper…. Richmond.

  17. I could see in the future the MWC and the big sky having discussions of a merger like in the past. But that would still leave out the dakota schools unless some teams opted to find different homes

  18. Several years ago, UMass's current AD said it was probably a mistake not to accept full membership in the MAC over going independent in football and remaining in the A10 for basketball. The A10 was a one bid conference in men's basketball last season, and has needed tournament shenanigans to avoid that fate most of the last 5 years. Still, joining a stable MAC in the 2010s isn't the same thing as joining a highly unstable CUSA in the 2020s. They'd take football-only membership anywhere though.

  19. What this video taught me: My kids can bowl their way to a college scholarship. Also, MAC has a chance to be the next major mover and shaker if they have the vision for it. Think big and go for 20. Missouri State, WKU, MTSU, UNI, Youngstown, NDSU, SDSU, and St Thomas (MN), fully expecting some of them to eventually get poached by CUSA or Sunbelt at some point. That also gets the MAC into MO, ND, SD, IA, MN KY and TN, which would help them get a bigger TV deal.

  20. Could you do a Video on the Wac Asun could be interesting to group of 5?

    Also what if the C-usa, MWC, ASun, and Wac possible merger/ split?

  21. I would like to see the C-USA try to get back some of the members that left someday (East Carolina, Southern Miss, Tulsa being some examples) but grabbing FCS programs is the best option for them at the moment. Chattanooga, Eastern Kentucky, Furman, Missouri State, North Carolina A&T, and Tarleton State being promoted make the most sense. If Central Arkansas gets more seats, maybe they can join the conversation too.

  22. I feel like the best move for C USA Would be Youngstown, Delaware , and Missouri state and so other 4th team it seems like that would flesh out the conference. One thing I would be curious about is northwestern state I don't no their budget but that could be a bridge into Louisiana

  23. North Alabama moved up from d2 to fcs in 2018 and their athletic budget is growing exponentially. Why is money an issue for them and not Tarleton state?

  24. Valparaiso as a “basketball power” is a vast overstatement. The MVC has had good basketball recently, Valpo is just hitching a ride on that train

  25. So will there be a FCS anymore? When will conferences get too large? What happens if a FBS school can’t fund all 16 sports?

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