@Montreal Canadiens

[HockeyStatCards] GameScore Impact Card for Montreal Canadiens on 2023-10-24:

[HockeyStatCards] GameScore Impact Card for Montreal Canadiens on 2023-10-24:

by Packaryammy


  1. Packaryammy

    this is going to be a controversial one lol

    but the top line didn’t get scored on or anything bad, they just didn’t create any offense hence why they are at the top

    the other lines didnt create anything but also got scored on

  2. bloblob37

    Yeah that’s what you’d expect when we play a top tier team

  3. metaphorik

    It’s a fancy +/- graph. We let 5 goals in and scored 2. Ergo, bad stats lol

  4. thomas_bombadill

    tbh the more I see these the more I realize how poor they are at telling the story of the game

  5. lacoupe25

    Barron certainly looked better than these stats would seem to indicate. Harris and Kivacevic were clearly the weakest link.

  6. FakeCrash

    So Lindström passed the audition then? (though I imagine he was sheltered)

  7. That’s a “we got our butt kicked” chart if I’ve ever seen one.

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